Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
#MSWL Gimme all your #ownvoices contemporary commercial fiction with Muslim protagonists. MG, YA, adult. Set here or elsewhere.Final #MSWL for the day please send me your romance novels with heroes &/or heroines of color! Women's fiction, too. #ownvoices especially.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL Those willing to share their #OwnVoices, incl fellow latinxs telling their stories (YA to youngest child), whether on canvas or paper
Literary Agent
Kimberly Brower @KimberlyBrower
#MSWL soap opera drama (teen/adult), family drama, psychological thrillers, women's fiction w/ no deathYes to all of this. Love that soap opera drama. #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Stephanie Doig @stephaniedoig
Romantic suspense with protective heroes who make heroine centre of their world. (...not in a creeper way) #mswlYou can send #mswl submissions to me via our @CarinaPress portal. Info here:
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Garance Franke-Ruta @thegarance
CHEESE BANDITS…#MSWL And still waiting for the food heist book!
Literary Agent
Jim McCarthy @JimMcCarthy528
Oh! #MSWL Can I please get a YA novel where the characters have jobs and a community of coworkers? Think Empire Records.This! Because I also want to see teen characters who are not, by default, upper or upper-middle class. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Magic realism a la Hundred Years of Solitude by #ownvoices Native author. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hawaiian fantasy from #ownvoices author. YA or adult. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Diverse, underrepresented stories and perspectives from #OwnVoices #MSWL