Jennifer Laughran
Literary Agent
I’m a literary agent for children’s books. Also a life-long bookseller. Also there’s a podcast in the mix. she/her 🏳️‍🌈😘 header art by @cuddlefishpress
259 AskAgent
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4 Tips

Oh I really like ensemble comedies. Behind the scenes in a restaurant or theatre or on a team or or or? AND FUNNY? YES PLEASE. #mswl

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
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68 Tips

If you have something on my #MSWL send it my way! If you don't…still query! I never know what I want until I get it!

Norma Perez-Hernandez
associate editor | writer | sometimes actor | founding member, @LatinxinPub and @PocPub | she/they | rep: @jcastillobooks | messaging and data rates may apply
25 AskAgent

Historical romance with diverse heroes/heroines. I want to know about the Regency peeps of African/Indian/Jewish (&more!) descent. #MSWL

Jennifer Laughran
Literary Agent
I’m a literary agent for children’s books. Also a life-long bookseller. Also there’s a podcast in the mix. she/her 🏳️‍🌈😘 header art by @cuddlefishpress
259 AskAgent
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4 Tips

Surprising MG and YA that breaks new ground, POVs that are under-represented, particularly from #OwnVoices creators. #MSWL

Jess Dallow
Literary Agent
new yorker. associate literary agent at @browerliterary & cat sitter. she/her. opinions & tweets are my own. 💗💜💙
142 MSWL
26 AskAgent
9 Tips

YA, WF, GF: A novel that plays w memories. Living the same experience as someone else & recalling the events differently. #MSWL

Alex Arnold
Senior Editor of fiction & nonfiction for small kids, big kids, & teens @quirkbooks . Former child who hasn't forgotten a thing.

A kid-and-her-dog MG novel with depth and complexity, a la BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE. It's a high bar because I am in love with that book. #MSWL

Jennifer Laughran
Literary Agent
I’m a literary agent for children’s books. Also a life-long bookseller. Also there’s a podcast in the mix. she/her 🏳️‍🌈😘 header art by @cuddlefishpress
259 AskAgent
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4 Tips
Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

I should just Princess Bride my #MSWL list: "Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, True Love, miracles..."

Jen Linnan
Literary Agent
Linnan Literary Management LLC // still technically a shark // avatar by Zac Gorman

Odd things I like: yarn, metal detectors, caves & crypts, strange animals, chemistry, HS marching bands, detailed lists, and cheese. #MSWL

Alex Arnold
Senior Editor of fiction & nonfiction for small kids, big kids, & teens @quirkbooks . Former child who hasn't forgotten a thing.

A deeply romantic magical realism YA. #MSWL

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

And definitely graphic novel illustrator-writers (esp if diverse!!), like my client @katfcomix #MSWL

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

Stories that make me cry, like BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY or OKAY FOR NOW); Witches! Goblins! Magical realism...and the kitchen sink #MSWL

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

Unconventional love stories! Kidnapping! Adventure! Marginalized protags in non-issue stories (like my fave ATTACK THE BLOCK!) #MSWL

Alex Arnold
Senior Editor of fiction & nonfiction for small kids, big kids, & teens @quirkbooks . Former child who hasn't forgotten a thing.

Alex Arnold @alexyarnold

Looking for a MG that gives me a crazy amount of feelings. I love MG because as a 12 yr old, you're feeling A LOT for the first time...#MSWL
Replying to @alexyarnold

And I think the best MG fiction makes me look at "basic" human emotions (love, grief, loneliness) anew, through the eyes of a kid. #MSWL

Erik Hane
Literary Agent
Founder and Agent, @HeadwaterLit @printrunpodcast with @lzats tennis writing at he/him
24 AskAgent
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15 Tips

Last one: I love the American west. That's my home. Lit fic set in CO, NM, etc. People get Up To Stuff out west and I am HERE FOR IT #MSWL

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

I want to be surprised in the realm of MG, YA, and adult fiction. Pirates! Epic love! Plus-sized protags! Creepy tales! Historicals! #MSWL

Lauren Abramo
Literary Agent
VP, Literary Agent, & Rights Director at @DGandBTweets she/her
8 AskAgent
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Stephanie Doig
Editor @ Harlequin's Carina Press. She/her. Opinions are all mine.
18 Tips

If you have a melodramatic romance featuring young, rich 20-somethings (Hamptons, anyone?) being jerks with heart, I want it. #mswl

Alex Arnold
Senior Editor of fiction & nonfiction for small kids, big kids, & teens @quirkbooks . Former child who hasn't forgotten a thing.

Looking for a MG that gives me a crazy amount of feelings. I love MG because as a 12 yr old, you're feeling A LOT for the first time...#MSWL

Stefanie Lieberman
Literary Agent
Obsessed Reader and Life-long Four Eyes
4 AskAgent

#MSWL Story of career con artists a la The Grifters w/ humor. Extra points for lines John Cusack would deliver perfectly in the audiobook.