Rachel Mann
Literary Agent
Literary agent | She/her

More #ownvoices queer and trans love stories in YA would be excellent! And YA graphic novels, too.

Rachel Mann
Literary Agent
Literary agent | She/her

Rachel Mann @rachelphilippa

While we're all locked up reading and writing / glued to social media, I thought I might do a thread about the kinds of submissions I'm looking for, because it worked pretty well last time...

Always, always, #ownvoices stories from under-represented writers and characters – including neuroatypical protagonists; characters with visible and invisible disabilities; stories involving unpaid carers and young carers; the broadest definition of queer love / sex stories...

Naomi Krueger
Senior Acquisitions Editor at @BeamingBooksMN . Mama of 2 little boys. Tweeting about books, family, and hope for a better world. Opinions are mine. she/her

Agents, if you snag something great today that would be a good fit for @BeamingBooksMN please keep me in mind! Send me a DM if you need my email address. #PitMad #kidlit #PB #OwnVoices #MG #CB

My #MSWL: naomikrueger.com/about/mswl/

Kelly Dyksterhouse
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, The Tobias Literary Agency, Kidlit, Hiker, Writer, Professional Daydreamer, MFA from VCFA. AALA. SCBWI She/Her

Updated #MSWL: humorous PB's with a surprise twist, and non-fic focusing on unsung heroes (pref. #ownvoices), MG with a clear narrative arc, unforgettable characters and a strong emotional core. Stories that bring out the magic in the ordinary. And ghosts!

Deborah Nemeth
Fey editrix, history geek, armchair sleuth, hobbit matriarch. She/her.
12 Tips

#MSWL I’m eager to acquire for @CarinaPress’s newest line, Adores, featuring LGBTQ+ characters, and I’m especially interested in #ownvoices submissions. Here’s a link for more information about the requirements for Adores:

Deidre Knight
Literary Agent
Literary agent and NYT bestselling novelist. President of the Knight Agency, founded 1996.
34 Tips
Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips
Anne Tibbets
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @MaassLitAgency . Author. SCREAMS FROM THE VOID out now. Opinions & sarcasm my own.
127 AskAgent
5 Tips

In YA - all categories and genres #MSWL I am partial to:
- Unique take on dystopian & all YA SFF
- Thriller/Mys: dark and broody
- Historical from any time other than WW2
- Contemp? Something funny! Bring me your YA snark and sarcasm.
- #ownvoices

Anne Tibbets
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @MaassLitAgency . Author. SCREAMS FROM THE VOID out now. Opinions & sarcasm my own.
127 AskAgent
5 Tips

In Adult Thrillers & Mystery #MSWL I'm partial to:
- Female driven & #ownvoices
- Literary-esque OR super voicey commerical prose
- Fresh ideas and new takes welcome but it must fit the typical plot structure for these categories - if you don't know what those are, look it up.

Anne Tibbets
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @MaassLitAgency . Author. SCREAMS FROM THE VOID out now. Opinions & sarcasm my own.
127 AskAgent
5 Tips

Anne Tibbets @AnneTibbets

It's been a while since I've done a #MSWL and I try not to b/c honestly, sometimes I don't know what I want until I see it - but I know some of y'all find these useful so here goes...

In Adult SFF #MSWL I'm partial to:
- Fresh twists & unique concepts
- I love all kinds: dystopia, post apoc, space opera, high fantasy, low, magical realism, urban, etc - but it HAS to be different than what's already out there.
- Mash ups and new takes most welcome
- #ownvoices

Mara Delgado-Sánchez
Assistant Editor
🇵🇷 That witch from the Caribbean. Word wrangler @stmartinspress | @wednesdaybooks . Somewhere with the chupacabras. Opinions mine. (she/her)
Jess Dallow
Literary Agent
new yorker. associate literary agent at @browerliterary & cat sitter. she/her. opinions & tweets are my own. 💗💜💙
142 MSWL
26 AskAgent
9 Tips
Hilary Harwell
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @KTLiterary | Seeker of profundity, sunshine, fun, & good books. She/her. 🇸🇪🇱🇹 Closed to queries. querymanager.com/HilaryHarwell
18 Tips

Update to my #MSWL - #ownvoices atmospheric #horror please for #YA and #MG! I'd love a fresh take on the usual tropes!

Mara Delgado-Sánchez
Assistant Editor
🇵🇷 That witch from the Caribbean. Word wrangler @stmartinspress | @wednesdaybooks . Somewhere with the chupacabras. Opinions mine. (she/her)

Looking for own voices books that explore BIPOC interracial relationships! They can be adult/YA romcoms, or any genre you can think of! I’d love to see more! #MSWL

Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
3 AskAgent
29 Tips
Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing
28 AskAgent
23 Tips

#mswl If there’s anyone with Vitiligo I would love to see your #ownvoices manuscript no matter what age category or genre it’s in.
#amwriting #amquerying

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I've received a wave of queries from incredibly talented LGBT authors lately, so it seems like a good time to send the reminder: I'm always looking for diverse voices of ALL varieties and cultures, in YA/Adult/MG. I want to know your unique story. #mswl #ownvoices

Mekisha Telfer
Editor || Roaring Brook Press || Tired || Bi || 🗽🍑🇯🇲 || She/Her
16 AskAgent
Becky LeJeune
Literary Agent
Associate Agent @ Bond Literary Agency. Blogger. Food nerd. Also, watches too much tv. All opinions my own :)
6 AskAgent
1 Tips

I also love authors who play in Lovecraft’s pool! Send me your cosmic horror, especially if you have a twist on it ol’ HP would hate! (I’m looking at you women and #ownvoices authors!) #mswl