Mekisha Telfer
Roaring Brook Press
Editor || Roaring Brook Press || Tired || Bi || 🗽🍑🇯🇲 || She/Her


kelly andrew @KayAyDrew
I was just told by someone in my life that no one cares about reading d/Deaf or HoH own voices stories, and that I'm "barking up the wrong tree."Maybe he was right, but I've never in my life been more motivated to prove anyone wrong.
This person is both wrong and rude. I would love to see more d/Deaf and HoH #ownvoices stories in my inbox. #mswl

Nivia Evans @NiviaEvans
Hi Universe,It's me. I know I ask for a lot of things, but could you be kind enough to send me a ms about black women who are witches that isn't steeped in black pain but is about a community coming together or a woman falling in love or something full of joy.
K, thnx #mswl
Co-signing this request, but for YA and MG!


🦎✨Ryan Douglass ✨🌿 @ryandouglassw
GIVE GAY BLACK MEN BOOK DEALS🚨To anyone listening, this is a thing I am looking to do! My inbox is open! #MSWL 🚨

Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama
Publishers, please consider buying more queer Harry Potter-ish books because wow do I get a lot of requests for them on the LGBTQReads Tumblr.Also, you really need Sapphic YA vampires. Pretty sure @whimsicallyours will write them for you if you ask nicely.
#MSWL Please! To this entire thread.


Ashley Woodfolk @AshWrites
Can someone write a book where a deaf boy signs thank you and a hearing girl thinks he's blowing her a kiss and then she starts talking to him and realizes he's deaf and then she starts signing because she has a deaf lil bro/sis AND MEET-CUTE AND CUE MUSIC…#MSWL because I live for cute things <3

Ariana Grande still has a hold on my soul.
Here's a #ThursdayAesthetic for something I will *never* write but is now on my #MSWL: a #YA fantasy about a black messiah and her kickass disciples feeding the hungry, killing kings, and convincing the kingdom that God is a woman

Katie Slivensky @paleopaws
Just passed by a little girl staring through a window at our lifesize model of a T. rex, whispering earnestly:"Wake up, dinosaur. Come on. Wake up. You can do it."
My heart! 😭 Somebody please make a picture book out of this #MSWL


I would love, love, love to see more (any!) #ownvoices #YA stories from black trans women in my inbox. Top of my #MSWL

Peter Knapp @petejknapp
#mswl - more MG with LGTBQ+ characters and crushes!Yes, please to this too!! #MSWL





#MSWL #ownvoices stories featuring brown kids in America. Carefree stories, protest stories, queer stories, monster stories, magic stories

I think this is my new favorite thing. ❤️
(#MSWL #YA because I want a book that makes me feel the way this does)

Thao Le @ThaoLe8
Would love a fantasy where the heroine is cursed into an animal, not a shifter story but like Howl's Moving Castle meets Lady Hawke #mswlUmm, Universe, this is also a thing I would like 😊 Please and thank you! #MSWL…