Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
Re: this thread, if someone wants to write me a fantasy novel about a kid who goes to magic school but realizes the entire structure of the magical world needs to be overthrown, I would be 100% there for that. Bonus points if they have to side with the dark wizards to do it #MSWL twitter.com/dreamoforgonon…ditto to this #MSWL
Literary Agent
Connor Goldsmith @dreamoforgonon
@hannahnpbowman @maxgladstone don't forget how centaurs and merfolk aren't classified as people and everyone's like oh that's fineRe: this thread, if someone wants to write me a fantasy novel about a kid who goes to magic school but realizes the entire structure of the magical world needs to be overthrown, I would be 100% there for that. Bonus points if they have to side with the dark wizards to do it #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Historical middle grade that re-rewrites history to add an element of magic." @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/
Literary Agent
Looking for a modern-day #YA #SisterhoodoftheTravelingPants with strong, positive female friendships! Magic realism is always a plus! #MSWL
It’s #MSWL day! Agents—I’m desperate to see more #MG in my inbox! Looking for voice-driven contemporary and magical realism like #Rooftoppers and historical like #TheWarThatSavedMyLife and #BostonJane Also open to a fun fantasy—looking for the next #EllaEnchanted!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Alexandra Weiss @akaweiss
Happy #MSWL day! All of the things I’m looking for can be found on jdlit.com (including my submission guidelines), but here are a few things I’m looking for in particular… (thread)Editor
Literary Agent
#MSWL I LOVE literary/historical with a touch of folklore or magic like The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden or The Mapmaker's War by Ronlyn Domingue... manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/rach…