Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Nicole Cliffe @Nicole_Cliffe
I know MI-5 has an age limit but I honestly think the invisibility of women as they age would be perfect for assassination workSomeone #pleasewritethis
(And if it involves magic, it's on my #MSWL)

Literary Agent
Day 14 of #25DaysofMSWL I want a beautiful magical realism novel. @kyriemccauley's was stunning (to shelves soonish), I loved SAWKILL GIRLS. Something stunning and beautiful for magical realism, please! #MSWL

Literary Agency
“Fantasy (urban or otherwise) dealing with the diaspora of a magical community—how does the magic change/thrive?” @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
Amanda Jain @wensday95
Someone write a book for me about these night lunch wagons. Maybe with a hint of magic? Because how could magic not be involved in this gorgeousness?? #mswl twitter.com/atlasobscura/s…#MSWL that I didn't even know I needed but now I am like STUDIO GHIBLI meets night lunch wagons in a Neil Gaiman-esque MG #25DaysofMSWL

Literary Agent
Day 2 of #25DaysofMSWL: the magic of Charmed meets the character driven page turner of SEE ALL THE STARS. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I love the idea that magic could be lurking in our world, if only we knew where to look. Have such a story (PB, MG, YA, adult speculative/horror)? Please send it my way! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Charlie Stross @cstross
Fantasy worldbuilding props if there's a quasi-illegal alternate currency made out of very small persistent spells created in bulk in sweatshops by apprentice sorcerers, that is causing an inflationary bubble as it gradually depletes the global mana supply all magic relies on. twitter.com/redtwitdown/st…... #mswl

Literary Agent


Literary Agent
Tiffany Shelton, Witch🕯️⛤🌙 @TiffanyDiahann
I'm going to keep shouting this out into the ether until I get it: GIVE ME CONTEMPORARY WITCHES! #MSWL #YA #Adult#MSWL Charmed or Practical Magic adjacent for me, please.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
“Fantasy (urban or otherwise) dealing with the diaspora of a magical community—how does the magic change/thrive?” @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
Katherine Harrison @KidlitKat
Dear writers: The world needs more amazing #middlegrade voices—maybe YOUR amazing mddle grade voice. Won't you kindly get on that? Sincerely, an editor of middle grade #amediting #amwriting #mswlContemporary or contemporary with touches of magic, please and thanks #mswl

Literary Agent


Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Anne Thériault @anne_theriault
There’s a post circulating tumblr/Facebook asking why so many tween girls go through a witchy “let’s read fortunes and levitate” sleepover/jr. coven phase. I actually talked to an expert about this exact thing two years ago! medium.com/the-establishm…I would die for a YA/MG along these lines. #MSWL Real magic or just imagined, doesn't matter. I especially like stories that focus on girl friendships/sisterhood.