Literary Agent
James McGowan @jamerrson
Though, I would be open to the right YA SFF along the lines of @sabaatahir or @misterkristoff @AmieKaufman. #MSWLYou have fantasy along @sabaatahir lines, send to me! #MSWl
Literary Agent
Though, I would be open to the right YA SFF along the lines of @sabaatahir or @misterkristoff @AmieKaufman. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Sarah Guan @Sarah_Guan
After Trump’s bizarre statement about exchanging love letters w/ Kim Jong Un, I can’t help thinking it‘d be an interesting SFF novel idea: 2 unstable dictators w/ huge egos inherit world-ending arsenals & a fraught standoff, begin a diplomatic correspondence, & fall in love#MSWL
Ditto for my #MSWL -- make it twisty!
Sarah Guan @Sarah_Guan
#MSWL: feminist #SFFI don’t mean “strong heroine succeeds in a sexist society.” That exists, and much of it isn’t feminist in a way that reflects the intellectual underpinnings of the concept.
I want “strong heroines work together—intersectionally—to dismantle the patriarchy.”
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL As far as retellings go, I'd love to see more historicals, fantasies, urban fantasies, or paranormal based on Aztec myths and legends. Preferably #ownvoices please.
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Middle Grade fantasy with luscious world building and a great hook." @msmariavicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
Jenny Bent @jennybent
hey everyone we have a cool announcement #TBA @LaurelSymonds am so thrilled to join The Bent Agency as a literary agent!
Writers, send me all* your books!
*Specifically good ones that fit the linked criteria. Bonus points if they include mighty girls, dogs, sisters, baking, or magical happenings.
Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
Re: this thread, if someone wants to write me a fantasy novel about a kid who goes to magic school but realizes the entire structure of the magical world needs to be overthrown, I would be 100% there for that. Bonus points if they have to side with the dark wizards to do it #MSWL…ditto to this #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
Re: this thread, if someone wants to write me a fantasy novel about a kid who goes to magic school but realizes the entire structure of the magical world needs to be overthrown, I would be 100% there for that. Bonus points if they have to side with the dark wizards to do it #MSWL…WELL I WANT THIS TOO OBVIOUSLY. Especially if it's an adult book. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Connor Goldsmith @dreamoforgonon
@hannahnpbowman @maxgladstone don't forget how centaurs and merfolk aren't classified as people and everyone's like oh that's fineRe: this thread, if someone wants to write me a fantasy novel about a kid who goes to magic school but realizes the entire structure of the magical world needs to be overthrown, I would be 100% there for that. Bonus points if they have to side with the dark wizards to do it #MSWL
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix
If you have received rejections lately, you absolutely should keep querying. But if this thread made you think "Well there was that one scene..." or "well I did decide to trim that to be like Writer McFamousDude..." GO FIX IT FIRST. Send me something mindblowing. You CAN do this.Literary Agent
It's late on Saturday and I'm thinking about sci fi, fantasy and YA fantasy after reading an epic ton of queries this last week. I'm going to kick your butt a bit here, okay? If you don't want that, scroll on. A thread #MSWL
#amwriting #amediting #amquerying #writetip #SFF
Literary Agent
Sarah McCabe @sarahrmccabe
I *need* a YA adaptation of this (times a billion).#mswl
YES except also as adult fantasy about the rash decisions you made as an impetuous youth & an impetuous witch but now you're falling in love in your grumpy 30s over a magical contract you didn't think though w/lots of resigned sighs & awkward eye contact & netflix #mswl