Literary Agency
"Adult literary fiction, especially anything contemporary with a rom-com twist." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
I've been having another think about my submission wish list...see photo:
#writers #authors #amwriting #mswl #agentwishlist #agents #YA #middlegrade #fiction #books #reading ... #submissions #guidelines here:…
New Editor Open for Submissions! @CEOEditor1 #MSWL
#Romance #HistoricalRomance #ContemporaryRomance #RomanticSuspense #Comedy #ACFW #AmWriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Editor open for #Submissions! #YA #Fantasy #Contemporary #Inspy #AmWriting #SubTip #PubTip #AmEditing #MSWL
Literary Agent
Jessica Mileo @JessicaMileo
A #mswl reminder: I'm always looking for more WoC / #OwnVoices writers in my inbox!Still looking / always looking for WoC / #OwnVoices authors in my slush pile. #MSWL I'm really in the mood for a fluffy contemporary YA or Women's Fiction and craft related NF
Literary Agent
Wondering what kinds of stories I'm dying to see in my inbox? Check out my detailed #MSWL post on the #BookEnds Blog!…
Literary Agent
Oh snap! Check out my #MSWL Madness post. Then send me all the books!…
Literary Agent
March #MSWLMadness continues today at BookEnds! My #MSWL post is live (check out the other agent posts too while you're there 😉)…
Sabrina Vourvoulias @followthelede
There are all kinds of Latinos in the real world, and there should be kinds of Latinos in sf. All of us should be represented, and faithfully so. — Isabel Schechter #FantasticLatinas #NeverthelessShePersisted #WomensHistoryMonth#MSWL: MG SFF, contemporary realism, and historical fiction featuring Latinx kids from Central and South America and/or American kids whose heritage is from those areas. It's a big gap in children's lit and my list specifically.
Literary Agent
Moe Ferrara’s #MSWL Madness…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Sadie Blach @sadieblach
If you've got a YA contemporary royalty book, I want to see it. #ammparty #authormentormatch #authormentormatch send it to me! YA contemporary royalty book #MSWL
Literary Agent
Part of why I am looking for more diverse characters is because I love seeing worlds and experiences that are not mine own. The commonalities of human experience will transcend for me.
Literary Agent
I love love LOVE romance. I am sucker for it. But so often it reads very forced. Chemistry is the name of the game. I need to be gripping my kindle harder and "squeeing" out loud as our lovers go about their story.
Literary Agent
Natascha Morris @SoCalledYALife
Now let's talk contemporaries and what I am drawn to in those so when you see my #MSWL, you'll know.First off, I need high concept. I am not often drawn to the contemporary that could be my everyday life. I need to escape so even if it is a real world setting, it is not my REAL WORLD.