Literary Agency
"A diverse, contemporary YA novel about strong guy friendships. Think Poe and Finn. <3" @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl/
Literary Agency
"A #YA about a boy band or a teenage girl who fangirls over a boy band." @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
You know what would be great? A fantasy featuring a protag that just happens to be transgender. Even better if POC. YA or A #MSWL #ownvoices
Over at @tubooks I talked abt part of my #MSWL: Native American/indigenous & Muslim #ownvoices MG/YA novels & graphic novels.
Tu Books @tubooks
<that's also on our #MSWL--MG/YA starring Muslim characters from any culture, and/or Middle Eastern origin (not synonymous).Publisher
Tu Books @tubooks
.@CCBCwisc doesn't break down Muslim representation or Middle Eastern origin representation (some included in Asian?) but>Publisher
Tu Books @tubooks
Percentage-wise:7.8% about African Americans
2.6% by African Americans
Literary Agent
Huff Post writer admits cheating in half marathon | Love to find a YA story about the aftermath of cheating! #MSWL nypost.com/2017/02/22/huf…
Literary Agent
#mswl Football romance with female quarterback. YA or adult, f/m or f/f. Hit me up with your sports ladies! mobile.nytimes.com/2012/09/03/spo…
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Actively and hungrily seeking diverse YA fantasy and sci-fi." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl/