Literary Agency
"I am always looking for creepy horror stories for middle grade, young adult, or adult readers."
@agentvicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL a YA novel with the quiet ferocity of @samiatheband’s Kill Her Freak Out, the hardest breakup song ever w/o drums.…
Editorial Assistant
for my birthday (yesterday, but it still counts!) i am giving myself the gift of doing something a little bit scary: tweeting out my first ever #MSWL 🥹…
Literary Agent
Caitlin White @caitforestell
I’m open to queries as of right now!! You can send me your letter and first 10 pages on QueryManager here: help you out, here’s a thread of #MSWL and anti-MSWL for any #amquerying writers thinking of submitting their fiction #YA and #MG
I currently represent projects alongside @EmeraldCityLit founder Mandy Hubbard and senior agent Linda Epstein and I’m truly on the hunt for something and someone to represent. If you have anything on this #MSWL, please send and let me know!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Maeve MacLysaght, haver of bones @mmmlysaght
New year, new #MSWL!I represent BIPOC, Queer, and marginalized creators writing commercial genre fiction across MG, YA, Adult, and Graphic Novel. My particular weaknesses are genre-blending SFF, horror, and anything with murder or making out (ideally both)
2023 #MSWL! As a reminder, I represent BIPOC, queer, & marginalized creators making joy for themselves in SFF & horror for MG, YA, Adult, and Graphic Novel.
My existing MSWL is still a mortifyingly perfect encapsulation of my tastes, but this year I'm looking for even MORE:
Literary Agency
"I read widely in YA, and enjoy just about every genre in it. I love moving contemporary reads, thrilling sci-fi, and lush fantasy."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Looking for #YA and #MG with big, complicated family dynamics like #Succession, but kids, think: dramedy. Please though, nothing with tons of POVs #MSWL
Literary Agent
I’m open to queries as of right now!! You can send me your letter and first 10 pages on QueryManager here:
To help you out, here’s a thread of #MSWL and anti-MSWL for any #amquerying writers thinking of submitting their fiction #YA and #MG
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Super excited to announce my official #MSWL has been posted on Manuscript Wishlist!…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
In Graphic Novels (young readers, MG, and YA), I'd love to see:
📷 STEM topics for young readers
📷 Tweens saving the world
📷 Queer teens living their best lives