In YA, I'd love to see:
🌞Queer romance
🌞Thrillers with isolated settings
🌞Horror with gothic and atmospheric vibes
🌞Historical that centers on POC stories
🌞Subversive and dark fantasy
Literary Agent
mindy is leaving new york 💀✨ @MarindaOnline
i've said it before, but i'd love to come across more YA with teen characters who aren't planning to go to fancy universities, who are maybe going to attend community college or learn a trade or not even continue school at all. college apps don't consume every kid's life, ya knowI havr been saying this for a while now
#MSWL for this
Literary Agent
While I love a good contemporary fantasy (whether lighter/funnier or darker/creepier) I am not usually the right person for YA high fantasy. You can still query me with your high fantasy stories, but it's likely it won't be for me as my interests are so limited here.
Literary Agent
I am pretty picky with my YA spec fic interests, and it's sort of an "I'll know it when I see it" situation. That being said, I tend toward contemporary fantasy, horror, and/or relatively grounded narratives that feature some kind of speculative twist (i.e.: CEMETERY BOYS).
Literary Agent
I also really enjoy a powerful, character-driven YA contemporary. I love friendship stories, niche skills/competitions, and deep emotions.
I do not tend to be the right person for stories that center eating disorders, however.
Literary Agent
I love YA romcoms; give me all the tropes! I'm always looking for a hooky, unique premise with characters I can really root for. Some of my faves: TATBILB; A CUBAN GIRL'S GUIDE TO TEA AND TOMORROW; HAPPILY EVER AFTERS.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I’m really hunting for superhero stories in both YA and adult, especially ones that interrogate the hero vs. villain dynamic and deal with the systemic roots of villainy. Romance very welcome!
Literary Agent
YA and adult fantasy books that deal with religion, both fictional faiths like SEVEN FACELESS SAINTS and real ones like WHEN THE ANGELS LEFT THE OLD COUNTRY and ANGELS BEFORE MAN.
Literary Agent
Really seeking artists as well in the YA and adult SFFH & memoir & contemporary space. I love the elegant look of LAURA DEAN KEEPS BREAKING UP WITH ME as well as the cartoonish realism of TWELFTH GRADE NIGHT.
Literary Agent
I’m REALLY looking for mystery/thrillers/suspense in both the YA and adult space, ESPECIALLY from marginalized populations. However, I am not the right fit for law enforcement protagonists or love interests.
Literary Agent
For the basics, I represent: MG horror, mysteries, & thrillers; YA SFF, horror, mysteries, & thrillers; adult SFF, horror, mysteries, & thrillers; select YA/adult GN; and select adult NF. More niche wants below ⬇️
Literary Agent
A fun sporty YA that has friendships, drama, humour and heart with lots of scope for brilliant characters - like two rival cheer teams competing for a national title with a stunning tropey romance running in the background (best friends brother etc.)...
Literary Agent
Megan Carroll @MeganACarroll
My quite specific #MSWL, via film & TV that I love - a thread.A coming of age story (could be either YA or Adult) that's set in a specific era or place and centred on a particular 'thing' the MC loves or has to overcome - like an 11yo boy in 1980's Durham who, against all odds, wants to be a ballet dancer...
Literary Agent
Kelly Thomas @KellyThomasLit
I’m recently obsessed with Norse Mythology and Viking culture. If you have a book (nonfiction, fiction or even a children’s book) in this vein, I want to see it! A YA or MG coming-of-age Viking-era historical fiction would be amazing! Inbox me #writersLiterary Agent
Kaitlyn Greenidge @surlybassey
"Bentley’s queerness...offers us a model of resistance as we enter a new era of backlash...The most visible of the queer community have always been the forefront of the movement..the queer past is important this Women’s History Month"…
#mswl YA featuring gender outlaw badasses like Gladys Bentley