- BIPOC and queer romcoms with depth and heart!!!!
- Speculative thrillers
- Contemporary, literary stories, with hints of magical realism
-YA contemporary that brings ALL the emotions
I would also *love* to see a novel-in-verse in any genre!
-YA historical that features underrepresented experiences/time periods
-Unsettling YA horror/thrillers, especially with unreliable narrators
-YA high fantasy with innovative or unusual magic systems
-YA sci-fi, especially if it crosses genres (sci-fi horror/thriller/mystery)
Exciting news! @fluxbooks is open to submissions and I can’t wait to dive in 🥳 I’m looking for hard-hitting YA books in any genre! An engaging voice, fresh premise, and stand-out characters is what really draws me in. More info below! 🧵
Literary Agent
@fluxbooks is now open to agented and unagented submissions, and I am eagerly seeking my next favorite novel! I’m looking for well-crafted YA fiction with engaging plots and one-of-a-kind characters. I accept all genres of YA. More specifics of what I’m looking for below. #mswl
Literary Agent
In MG & YA (incl GNs by Author-Illustrators):
•Diverse contemporary stories and romcoms
•Grounded sub-genres like horror or mysteries
•Novels by marginalized writers w/ stories yet told
•Stories that take you on an adventure and an emotional roller coaster all at once
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"I want stories that celebrate neurodiversity, from authors who are themselves neurodivergent, both in fiction and nonfiction, middle grade, young adult, and adult."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agency
"I love diverse and inclusive young adult novels that reflect the world, and what the world could be."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
In YA and MG, I’m sparingly open to other genres, too:
Literary Agent
YA and MG contemporary fantasy: My second love! I’m interested in the same topics, and will look foremost for lyrical writing and character focus, with unique but very grounded magic systems. Example: THE NATURE OF WITCHES by Rachel Griffin.
Literary Agent
Daniele Hunter @DanieleDHunter
Here’s what I’m looking for, with examples—and I’m open to any intersections between these topics as well!YA and MG contemporary will be my first priority! Lyrical prose, novels-in-verse, “dark and gritty,” “issue-driven,” character-driven, voicey. I want to feature LGBTQIA+ voices, BIPOC voices, disability and chronic illness, mental health and neurodivergence, grief.
Literary Agent
First, a bit about me: I’m a queer, chronically ill, disabled junior agent at McIntosh & Otis. I’m acquiring (in order of priority) YA, MG, and PB.