Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez
Literary Agent
Bradford Literary Agency
#Kidlit Literary Agent. Mom. Wife. Math teacher. #SCBWI. #PBParty finalist. Eat a🍪 while you can.
#MSWL day!
I'd love to add more funny and spooky to my #pb and #mg list!
For more info, check out my mswl here: www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/ka...
I'm delighted to share that I'm OPEN to #PB and #MG submissions!
I just updated my #MSWL . which can be found here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kaitlyn-sanchez/
And you can submit with this link: bradfordlit.com/kaitlyn-sanchez/
Thank you for trusting me with your work and wishing you all the best!
#mswl #pb I’d love to rep a #nonfiction #picturebook about the evolution of bathing!
This sounds awesome and I totally think there's a #nf #picturebook here! #mswl ?
Bradford Literary Agency @Bradford_Agents
🚨OPEN TO QUERIES🚨@KaitlynLeann17 will be open to queries for the next three weeks, starting TODAY (5/16) and closing on June 6. Hop on over to our website for more on her #MSWL: bradfordlit.com/kaitlyn-sanchez
Happy sprigtime, everyone! I'm so excited to be open to #queries!
For anyone who was contractually let go from their agency, please feel free to share that in the referral area.
#amwriting #amquerying
Check out my #mswl here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kait…
Link to my #mswl: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kait…
#MSWL day:
Things I'm craving when I'm open to #queries or subs from events are #YA that feel like a @thisissigrid or @maisiehpeters song - gritty, catchy, & oh-so-relatable, but w/ comic relief too - & a light-hearted, laugh-out-loud funny #MG a la Friday Barnes by @raspratt.
Check out this great interview with @jmcgowanbks
and @DorianCirrone on @MixedUpFiles, great if I about James' gorgeous #PB Goodnight, Oppy, and some really cool #mswl (I may want to add his cousins #mg idea to my wish list!)
#kidlit #amquerying
Books should be written about this, and if they are already, tell me what they're called because I want to read them #MSWL
Brian Gehrlein😈 @BrianGehrlein
NEW PICTURE BOOK SPOTLIGHTAgent Spotlight & GIVEAWAY OPPORTUNITY w/ @KaitlynLeann17 of Context Lit
PB query & manuscript critique could be yours!
To enter:
✅ RT post
✅ Subscribe to PB Spotlight
✅ Be awesome
#kidlit #picturebooks #amquerying
Stop by, enter to win a #pb #query and #manuscript critique and try to guess the awesome movie I used as an art note example (hint: it has sports and I have pretty much the whole movie memorized) also hear about some #mswl info and see some of my fave #PBs Thanks @BrianGehrlein!
#MSWL mucus is fascinating! Is there already a #pb out there on it? If so, please share, if not, please write it! I'd love to rep an nf children's book or even info fiction about mucus!
Picture Books I Love, Some Things I Like as an Agent, and Other Tips about Connecting with an Agent
#kidlit #MSWL #PB #PBPALOOZA kaitlynleannsanchez.com/2020/12/08/pic…
This is so cool! #STEM #MSWL