Literary Agent
#MSWL : women, diversity, and #ownvoices in sci fi.
Also desperately in need of a fantasy that takes me to an unexpected, far off land. Preferably with LGBTQ+ elements.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jessica Mileo @JessicaMileo
A #mswl reminder: I'm always looking for more WoC / #OwnVoices writers in my inbox!Still looking / always looking for WoC / #OwnVoices authors in my slush pile. #MSWL I'm really in the mood for a fluffy contemporary YA or Women's Fiction and craft related NF
Literary Agent
#MSWL Madness continues over on the BookEnds blog, and my post is up today! Go take a peek to get an idea of what I'm currently looking for. #amwriting #amquerying…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
March #MSWLMadness continues today at BookEnds! My #MSWL post is live (check out the other agent posts too while you're there 😉)…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Lauren Spieller @laurenspieller
Random #MSWL I’m putting out into the universe: I would love a manuscript that tackles the disappearances of Native American girls and women, a la the movie Wind River. YA or Adult, #ownvoices. Ok universe...let’s make it happen. 🤞🏽I'm still looking for this book. It doesn't have to be set in America, or even our world. What I'm really after is a book that engages with the abuses perpetrated against indigenous people, in particular women, and the colonizer's legacy of violence and oppression. #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL I want this as the base for a romantic suspense series: kick-ass African warrior women who protect animals. Go!…
Literary Agent
Happy #WomensHistoryMonth-- Would love to find more stories of trailblazing women and girls, send them my way! #MSWL