Literary Agent
My #FridayFeeling is also my #MSWL -- women's fiction about the effect the opioid crisis has on one family. #WF #MSWLMadness

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
For #MSWLMadness at BookEnds we've all updated our submissions bios in the hopes that you can get to know us better -- if you're not sure. Query anyway! bookendsliterary.com/submissions/ #MSWL #querytip

Literary Agent

I'm just going to own it and say: I would read the hell out of a women's fiction novel based on Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir. #MSWL

Literary Agent
In mystery, again, I love historicals! Especially those with strong women who kick ass and take names. Think Deanna Raybourn and Sherry Thomas.

Literary Agent
Amanda Jain @wensday95
Who's up for some Friday afternoon #mswl tweets? Here are some specific things I'll be looking for at BookEnds!As a general reminder, I rep adult romance, mystery, women's, and upmarket fiction, and have a deep and abiding love for historical fiction across all genres. I also rep narrative nonfiction, especially on topics like the literary world, food, material culture, & social history.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
After a bit of brainstorming with @maria_ribas, I'd love to see some "women behaving badly" fiction. Give me your Miranda Priestly, your Cersei Lannister, your Bellatrix Lestrange. #MSWL

Literary Agent
I updated my #MSWL and I've already gotten stronger queries! Thanks writers, looking forward to more -- manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dani… #amquerying

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Debbie Gale Mitchell @heydebigale
Hi, I’m a chemistry prof who loves over-the-top makeup.I’m teaching spectroscopy today, so 🌈 seemed appropriate.
Colors are ordered by wavelength (λ). Longer λ was placed in the inner corner w/ λ decreasing (E ⬆️) towards outer corner.
#RealTimeChem pic.twitter.com/MG9fvlzgnK
this thread is full of smart women in STEM fields gushing about make-up and it gives me so much LIFE 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 also #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Here’s my new #MSWL blog post! I’m on the hunt for #nonfiction #romance and #WomensFiction bit.ly/2Dtgeu7

Literary Agent
I've updated my submission wishlist on the website. Go check it out! bookendsliterary.com/submissions/ #MSWL

We are very interested in books about strong women who changed the world, like Beate Sirota Gordon. Proud to have published her biography, LAST BOAT TO YOKAHAMA amazon.com/Last-Boat-Yoko… #feminism #strongwomen #womenleaders #MSWL

Literary Agent
I'd like to see a novel that tackles the issue of #autism and police interaction, particularly for a POC on the spectrum, as discussed in this article by @hollyrpeete: huffingtonpost.com/entry/autism-a… #autismmom #MSWL #YA #WF