Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
YA mystery/suspense:
I want some on both sides of the spectrum: light and dark.
Something in the vein of Sadie, Behind Her Eyes (but YA), and Knives Out. But also something ala On My Block, Outerbanks, or Scooby-Doo, haha.
I love treasure hunts and heists btw!


Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Going to put a bit of a wild #MSWL out here. If anyone's working on an adult novel that can comp Scream AND something super millennial like The Herd or A Special Place for Women, I want to see it. My query box is open (query@psliterary.com) for some suspense/thriller/horror.

Literary Agent
emmy, purveyor of spines @emmy_of_spines
4: High-concept, feminist suspense and/or thriller, with lots of glamour and intrigue. Think unique settings, lavish parties, beautiful wardrobes, gossip, and murder. Fairly formulaic, but fresh and twisty......No law enforcement themes. Think: THE BALLERINAS, by Rachel Kapelke-Dale; MALIBU RISING, by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Suspense: To balance out all the ~feels~ I'm looking for something darker, particularly psychological suspense that will make me second-guess e v e r y t h i n g. I'm looking for incisive writing that with an unforgettable twist.

Literary Agent


Literary Agency
"Romance, Literary, Commercial, Suspense, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent


Literary Agent
Hannah Schofield @hannschofield
Good afternoon #amquerying writers! I am BACK (or my submissions inbox is)lbabooks.com/agents/hannah-…
As well as my #mswl on the LBA website, you can find out some more about me in this interview I did with the lovely people at @RNAtweets: romanticnovelistsassociation.org/2021/04/ask-an…
I include some pointers about how to catch my eye with your query letter - title; clear, snappy pitch; & comp titles

Literary Agent
Hiii Writers!! 🥳 ❤️I’ve been looking at what’s on my list right now.
So I’d love to see more Mysteries, Suspense & Thrillers in my box! If you write from MG, YA, to Adult.
Please check my #MSWL here manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/anal…
Link to submit is in my BIO!! 🥳❤️❤️

Literary Agent
#pitmad #mswl Looking for Amish Romance, Inspirational Romance, RomCom, Western Romance, Cozy Mysteries, Mysteries, Suspense, Picture Books, MG, True Crime, Cookbooks. blueridgeagency.com and mention #pitmad for who referred you.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Hello #amquerying:
I've opened my #MSWL to #RomanticSuspense - gimme your torrid love affairs amongst life & death conspiracies.
Gimme your RomCom Adventures ala Romancing the Stone.
International locations a plus, as are underrepresented voices.