Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

I'm closed to queries for the next couple months for dedicated reading time, but in honor of #MSWL Day I redid my MSWL! I am looking for all types of romance, SFF (plus horror), mysteries, thrillers, YA, and some small subsets of literary and commercial fiction!

Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
63 AskAgent
4 Queries
8 Tips

As for me, I'm always looking for genre-blending literary fiction, accessible sci-fi and fantasy, diverse and inclusive kid-lit, and moving non-fiction.

Some recent examples from my list? Here are some by @AlisonStine @mikechenwriter @mk_england and @JamesTateHill.

Stuti Telidevara
Literary Agent
she/her // @ParkandFine // former: @RavenLiterary @orbitbooks @TransLitAgency // opinions own

I'm only looking for sci-fi in the adult space and prefer distant-future space-set stories. I love SF that is kind-of-sort-of-fantasy, like Yoon Ha Lee & Tamsyn Muir.

Keir Alekseii
Literary Agent
Associate🔥Agent for @jenazantian | Cat wrangler 🐈‍ | 🇹🇹 gyal | Intersectional feminist✊ | #ADHD | she/they bi/pan 🌈 | Opinions my own. Layout @ana_scribe
5 AskAgent

Finally got around to watching Poker Face (ep1) with @BrendonAlekseii and all it's done is emphasize how much I would love some SFF that feels like this, or a Knives Out movie.


Keir Alekseii
Literary Agent
Associate🔥Agent for @jenazantian | Cat wrangler 🐈‍ | 🇹🇹 gyal | Intersectional feminist✊ | #ADHD | she/they bi/pan 🌈 | Opinions my own. Layout @ana_scribe
5 AskAgent

2. I'm also still craving a BIPOC elves/fae book

3. A corruption arc

4. YA sff that isn't gritty or dark and has personal stakes instead of big world ending ones


Paige Terlip
Literary Agent
Dog lover. Book hoarder. Outdoor enthusiast | Agent @AndreaBrownLit | Children's Lit. MA & MFA from Simmons | she/her
1 Tips

A VERY specific wish list item, could be any genre (SF/F, horror, contemporary, etc.) but a novel about the Navajo Rangers from a Navajo author (perhaps something along the lines of what was featured in Unsolved Mysteries Volume 3).


Paige Terlip
Literary Agent
Dog lover. Book hoarder. Outdoor enthusiast | Agent @AndreaBrownLit | Children's Lit. MA & MFA from Simmons | she/her
1 Tips

SF/F that appeals to newcomers to the genre as well as hardcore readers,
fresh romantic fantasy,
stories exploring a matrilineal inheritance through a trans POV,
real, burgeoning science & innovative technology taken to the next level


Nadia El-Fassi
SFF Commissioning Editor @orbitbooks . Fantasy and rom-com author. Powerlifter. MA in Poetry. Muslim. Bi 🏳️‍🌈. She/they. Views my own. 🇲🇦/ 🇦🇺

I'm also interested in SFF that shows characters with a strong sense of spirituality. Though caveat, I'm not the right editor for overtly Christian narratives.

Nadia El-Fassi
SFF Commissioning Editor @orbitbooks . Fantasy and rom-com author. Powerlifter. MA in Poetry. Muslim. Bi 🏳️‍🌈. She/they. Views my own. 🇲🇦/ 🇦🇺

Faith doesn't necessarily feel like a popular theme in SFF these days, but I am always interested in novels that deal with it. Whether it's religious horror, positive representations of Islam in high fantasy, or nuns in space, send it my way #MSWL

The Jewish Speculative Fiction imprint of @MHP_Horror . We love all Jewish genre fiction and seek to promote Jewish weirdness and fiction.
Ash Stann
Freelance Editor for @fluxbooks and @jollyfishpress | Writer | Retired Book Blogger and bookseller | Lover of Happily Ever Afters 💗 Tweets are my own. she/her

-YA historical that features underrepresented experiences/time periods
-Unsettling YA horror/thrillers, especially with unreliable narrators
-YA high fantasy with innovative or unusual magic systems
-YA sci-fi, especially if it crosses genres (sci-fi horror/thriller/mystery)

Meg Gaertner
Senior editor @fluxbooks + @jollyfishpress . YA fantasy/sci-fi writer. Swing dancer. Music lover. Philosophizer. Tweets are my own. she/her.

-high-stakes YA sci-fi w/ strong themes + character development
-YA contemporary that addresses relevant/timely social themes
-YA thrillers/suspense
-YA horror, especially of the uncanny/unsettling kind
-YA historical that highlights excluded or underrepresented experiences #mswl

Amanda Rutter
Commissioning Editor at Solaris Books. Owned by three hellhounds. Talks a lot about politics, sports, books and dogs. Knitter, crocheter and lover of loud music

Character-focused SF - I want your heists, your found families, your explorers, your settlers. I'm not a good fit for either hard SF or pure military SF

Amanda Rutter
Commissioning Editor at Solaris Books. Owned by three hellhounds. Talks a lot about politics, sports, books and dogs. Knitter, crocheter and lover of loud music

Fantasies or SF with an historical bent - Roman empires, Greek tragedies, Plantagenet dynasties but in SFF

Amanda Rutter
Commissioning Editor at Solaris Books. Owned by three hellhounds. Talks a lot about politics, sports, books and dogs. Knitter, crocheter and lover of loud music

Do consider me for manuscripts featuring older protagonists. I'm in my 40s and I would like to read fantasy and SF with characters of this age and older. We're not invisible!

Amanda Rutter
Commissioning Editor at Solaris Books. Owned by three hellhounds. Talks a lot about politics, sports, books and dogs. Knitter, crocheter and lover of loud music

So, since I am getting my feet under the desk now, here's a little flavour of my #mswl. In general, I like all facets of SFF, including horror, and I like my books to range from serious thought-inducing works to read-in-a-flash commercial fiction.

Christa Heschke
Literary Agent
Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis , movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo , Western NY born and bred.
13 Tips

Sci-fi – I’m not looking for hard sci-fi. I'd really like a sci-fi-horror like ALIEN (but not too much gore!! I can handle some though), and always open to space operas! No intergalactic wars.

Saint Gibson
Literary Agent
Author of A DOWRY OF BLOOD and agent, Goodreads Choice Award Finalist, British Fantasy Award Nominee, she/they. Rep: @Literary_Tara .✨ 💌

My new #MSWL is live on my site! Mark your calendars for Valentines Day, when I repoen to #amquerying writers!

So, what am I seeking? This year I'm prioritizing queer specfic, BIPOC voices, and romance novels of all kinds. Let's dive into the specifics!…

Emily Byron
Commissioning editor of science fiction and fantasy @OrbitBooks UK. Usually found shouting about books. Views are my own. (She/her)

I’m a total sucker for found family in any setting. Epic fantasy, space opera, I don’t mind. Just give me
those heartfelt 'with-you-to-the-end-no-matter-what vibes' #MSWL

Emily Byron
Commissioning editor of science fiction and fantasy @OrbitBooks UK. Usually found shouting about books. Views are my own. (She/her)

Give me some pacy dynamic space opera! Especially if it has a sense of fun and/or a rag-tag bunch of space rogues - I need me some of those Firefly vibes! (Under Fortunate Stars was a recent fave) #MSWL