Adria Goetz
Literary Agent
A bit of a bookworm. Literary Agent + Fairy Godmother at @PSLiterary . ✨ MSWL:
160 MSWL
20 Queries
12 Tips

I’m looking for pageturning thrillers, book club fiction that is engaging and accessible, but still layered and thought-provoking. (You *might* call that “the intersection of commercial and literary.”) Think Taylor Jenkins Reid. I’d also LOVE hooky rom coms. #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Unique, genre-blending romance novels. For example, I wish I had worked on The Plus One by Sarah Archer or any of Roselle Lim’s breathtaking romantic contemporary fantasy novels. Give me an adult rom-com in space, or with magic. Let’s get weird and swoony.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

The Blair Partnership
Literary Agency
Literary and Entertainment Agency | 📝
6 AskAgent
1 Tips

I'm also looking for romantic comedies, particularly with flawed protagonists (think: Fleabag, Bridget Jones). I'd also like to see RomComs in professional settings, or in unusual locations. #mswl

Tara Gilbert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @ktliterary | 🌈she/them | ✨magical | opinions my own | Gemini ☼ Pisces ☽ Capricorn ↑
245 MSWL
46 AskAgent
25 Tips
Dawn Dowdle
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Representing Mysteries, Romances, Picture Books, Middle Grade Mysteries, True Crime and Cookbooks.

#pitmad #MSWL Cozy Mysteries, Amish Mysteries or Romances, Mysteries, Suspense, Picture Books (Fiction), Cookbooks, True Crime, Romantic Comedies, Western Romances

Bridget Smith
Literary Agent
aka Breda. Literary agent at JABberwocky. Co-host of @ShipAndHandling publishing podcast. Plays with swords in free time. Way too long-winded for Twitte
21 Tips

In YA, I want, as always, emotional and/or charming contemporary novels, particularly along the lines of FOOLISH HEARTS or THE LAST TRUE POETS OF THE SEA or ELIZA AND HER MONSTERS. Also always love a nerdy rom-com! #mswl

Nadia El-Fassi
SFF Commissioning Editor @orbitbooks . Fantasy and rom-com author. Powerlifter. MA in Poetry. Muslim. Bi 🏳️‍🌈. She/they. Views my own. 🇲🇦/ 🇦🇺

I’d sell my soul for a horror rom com with the vibes of Lazlo and Nadja #MSWL

Ameerah Holliday
Literary Agent
“The very time I thought I was lost, / My dungeon shook and my chains fell off” Dancer | Poetess | Revolution | Agent - Serendipity Lit | Opinions are my own

Hi! I’d really really love a laugh out loud BIPOC romcom. Bonus points for intersectionality! #MSWL

Amanda Ferreira
Editor, Random House Canada 🐧🏠 Chinese-Canadian • She/Her • ENTANGLED WITH AN ELF PRINCE (Oct 12/22) • #mswl adult romance, SFF, historical, mystery/thriller

With #pitmad coming up, here’s a quick snapshot of my #mswl — I’m looking for adult commercial fiction, specifically fantasy, sci-fi, rom-coms, historical romance, paranormal romance and thrillers from BIPOC & LGBTQIA2S+ writers. Also open to graphic novels in the same genres! 📚

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

One of the things I'm interested in doing A LOT MORE OF when I reopen to queries on 9/1/21 is ADULT fiction, specifically:

Adult Suspense
Adult RomCom
Adult SFF/H.

So if you're writing any of these, *please* query! #mswl

Theresa Cole
Acquiring Editor for 🦉 @CityOwlPress and #MysticOwlBooks . 🦉 INFJ Addicted to 🌞sunshine, ☕️coffee, 🏍motorcycle riding, and ⛺camping.
2 Tips
Bethany Fulk Hendrix
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Spencerhill Associates• YA writer • Lover of all things Disney and chocolate
Leah Pierre
Literary Agent
HTX • agent @ladderbirdlit • CLOSED to queries📚
79 Queries

Diverse, IR romances and romcoms:

I want both MCs to be POC and the relationship to be multi-cultural &/or multi-ethnic pls! IR can exclude WASP ppl.

For this think Someone Great, Lovebirds, Photograph, Talia Hilbert, Jasmine Guillory, Honey Girl

Stephanie Stein
Senior Editor @HarperChildrens & @HarperTeen , she/her, 47% caffeine by volume. Opinions my own, and I do have a lot of them. 🌈
213 MSWL
34 AskAgent
Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips
Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
931 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips
Anne Sowards
fantasy, science fiction & romance editor at Penguin: i do the fun books. 💜 #BTSARMY . opinions my own. she/her
Cecilia Lyra
Literary Agent
Storyteller & Storyseller / Associate Literary Agent @PSLiterary ✍🏽 Co-host of @TSNOTYAW podcast 🎧 Feminist. Latinx. Immigrant. Reader.
142 MSWL
58 AskAgent
2 Tips

DIAL A FOR AUNTIES @thewritinghippo is my latest #MSWL obsession! It's the romcom I'd like to rep: dark AND funny; accessible AND intelligent. I also 💜 how it's the story of a dysfunctional family & a trad b-meets-g love story. Please query me if your work is a comp!