Literary Agent
Publishers Weekly @PublishersWkly
Barnes & Noble Fifth Avenue to launch sales of classic novels with new covers promoting diversity @amNewYork pwne.ws/2GU1jN2 pic.twitter.com/uNPbP3LJcMThis is wildly wrongheaded. In light of this, I’d be really happy to see MG BIPOC twists on THE WIZARD OF OZ & THE SECRET GARDEN in my query box. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Tiffany Shelton @TiffanyDiahann
GIVE ME HISTORICAL FICTION THAT DOES NOT ERASE BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY POC.I will continue to say that Belle is one of my favorite movies (and yes I did read the nonfic book), and I want fiction like it.
#MSWL twitter.com/chuckspear/sta…
seconding this! #mswl
Thicc Lizzy @chuckspear
Today I was reminded that there was a Black silk weaver in Tudor England with one of the greatest names in history and I had to share it with y'all again. pic.twitter.com/m6cTiXHRakGIVE ME HISTORICAL FICTION THAT DOES NOT ERASE BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY POC.
I will continue to say that Belle is one of my favorite movies (and yes I did read the nonfic book), and I want fiction like it.
#MSWL -- we want to hear #diversevoices! We’re always seeking #queerlit and #memoirs by women and POC, and currently we’re on the lookout for #VirginiaHistory. Head over to our #submissions page for more info! #ownvoices
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Every quarter I review & update my submission #MSWL. Here's the latest from everyone at @bookendslit bookendsliterary.com/submissions/
Literary Agent
The query inbox at @PSLiterary opens on Monday, and I’m so excited to add new clients to my list in 2020.
Representation info and my updated #mswl is at the link below. Let me know if you have any questions.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
When @MetamorphLitAg opens back up for queries in the new year-very high on my #mswl are holiday romances featuring LGBTQ, POC, characters with disability, chronic illness/invisible illness. #amquerying #writingcommunity can’t wait to see your work!
Literary Agent
Jessica Sinsheimer @jsinsheim
New ManuscriptWishList.com profiles from@jwongbaxter @msin10 @hanyanphil @LightnerKayla @_lowpH + more!
Check out new + updated #MSWL posts here: manuscriptwishlist.com/find-agentsedi…
Subscribe to get an email when new #MSWL profiles go live here: eepurl.com/b83sCL pic.twitter.com/4gRdwj6vNi
end-of-2019 dash includes finally scrapping a #MSWL profile together, and now that it's done, I can comfortably vanish until 2020, right?? anyway check it out:
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
carlydraws @carlydraws
@chavelaque What subject would you like to see more books about?A PB on the Atlanta washerwoman’s strike, or Pullman porters, or the Chicano rights movement; MG novels starring boys of color doing sports; MG or YA NF on topics of POC history #mswl
Literary Agent
Here are a handful of the very specific things I'd like to find for my client list (more over at the #MSWL site!): a journalistic dive into MLMs; contemporary romance w/ protagonists/love interests who are BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and/or disabled; MG fiction by #actuallyautistic authors
Rebecca Traister @rtraister
The 1881 Atlanta Washerwomen strike! Everyone should read @TeraWHunter's great book, To 'Joy My Freedom, which chronicles the story of the washerwomen: hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?is… twitter.com/ewarren/status…Black authors! Write me a picture book about this, please! 👇👇👇 #mswl