Literary Agent
Romance — suspense, small-town, etc. #MSWL #QueryMe #ThereCanOnlyBeOne

Literary Agent
Everyone at the #BookEndsTeam is on @MadmoiselleClel's open call for Muslim writers cleliagore.com/open-call/ #mswl #amwriting #kidlit

Literary Agent
All of the #BookEnds agents are on @MadmoiselleClel’s open call for Muslim writers: cleliagore.com/open-call/ #MSWL #resist #RiseUp

Literary Agent
Open Call for Submissions from Muslim Writers | Clelia Gore #MSWL for everyone at BookEnds cleliagore.com/open-call/

Eyes glued to #writeyourresistance, pining for YA that delivers the perspective of teens living through these nightmarish times #MSWL

Literary Agent
Alexandra Machinist @amachinist
Authors, it is incumbent on us to create an empathetic world. Send me your debuts for this dark time. Show me what comes next. Pls. #mswlPlease spread the word. Words matter. And I very much want to represent books that matter. #mswl

Literary Agent
And, if you're wondering what's on my wishlist for 2017, take a gander here: goo.gl/M0eb5Q #MSWL

Literary Agency
"Diverse, geeky #YA love stories. Brown kids smitten at Comic Con?" @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
YA Romance, please. #mswl The story behind the viral photo of Muslim and Jewish children protesting at O'Hare fw.to/Svfl7dV

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
It me! I am extremely eager to read #ownvoices #MuslimVoices #YA #MG and #PB. #MSWL

Literary Agent
hollowayliteraryagency.com/jamie-vankirk/ Muslim YA writers, your voices deserve to be heard. Send me a query. #WriteYourResistance #MSWL #OwnVoices

Literary Agent
Prepping for MSWL Day on February 8. Until then, check out my wishlist here twitter.com/search?f=tweet… and here mswishlist.com/profile/litera… #mswl

Relentless Stark ✊🏻 @syntactics
#MSWL: picture books about heroes who have resisted unjust laws. Gotta teach 'em young.Related #MSWL: Sally Yates picture book.

Emilia Rhodes @emiliarhodes
Great read--inspiring and heartbreaking. #NoDAPLThe Youth Group That Launched a Movement at Standing Rock nyti.ms/2jPetA2
Also, I'd love to see more stories like this in YA. #MSWL

Literary Agency
"Realistic middle grade that has a touch of whimsy or magic (something Roald Dahl-ish)" @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/

Literary Agent