Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Romantic, steamy adult fantasy romances. Deals of convenience, betrayal, political intrigue, dueling families, rivals to lovers to enemies, immortals w/longstanding wars and deep histories. Ballroom dances that end with a dagger to the throat. Rich world building & magic systems

Literary Agent
I’d also love some darker speculative work. Murder, magic, gothic, dark academia, occult conspiracies, races against the clock and morally grey heroes. Across all ages I want the dark and twisted

Literary Agent
Emily S. Keyes @esc_key
Just heard about #PitBLK today. Everyone welcome to query me if they think I am a good fit (info: keyesagency.com/submissions/). Desperate to fall in love with something right now!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
My updated #MSWL is live. I'd love to add some great new clients (to join my existing great clients❤️) and dig into projects together! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jen-…

Literary Agent
I got my hands on an ARC of @adriennebooks
's SPELLS FOR FORGETTING and can't stop thinking of it so #MSWL that vibe. Magic. Murder. Romance. History. Settings as Character.

Literary Agent
I got my hands on an ARC of @advanyoung 's SPELLS FOR FORGETTING and can't stop thinking of it so #MSWL that vibe. Magic. Murder. Romance. History. Settings as Character.

Literary Agent
funny, heartfelt action-adventure featuring queer, BIPOC, marginalized voices, ideally with some magic or fantastical elements

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I’m open to queries again and just found out my page is live on Manuscript Wish List!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
One update: I’m looking for the first 50 pgs, not 10, for fiction. 🤗 #mswl


Literary Agent
#MSWL available at Pub Marketplace
📚📚 Looking forward to #DVpit!