P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Unique, genre-blending romance novels. For example, I wish I had worked on The Plus One by Sarah Archer or any of Roselle Lim’s breathtaking romantic contemporary fantasy novels. Give me an adult rom-com in space, or with magic.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Lisa Green
She/Her Editor for the Mystic Owl line & City Owl Press. Adult only F/SF R querymanager.com/query/lisagree…
17 Tips

I want hot paranormal romance. Send me your shifters, witches, ghosts, mermaids, and lesser explored magic! HEA or HFN a must. 50-75K. querymanager.com/query/LisaGree…

Emelie Burl
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Susan Schulman Literary Agency (@SusanSchulman) Former indie bookseller. All thoughts and opinions are my own. she/her

Okay, time to share my #MSWL:
Children's, YA, & Pop Culture Nonfiction are my 🍞&🧈. I love stories of hope and humor, a good rom-com, strong female leads, and magic of all sorts! Big fan of LGBT+ and BIPOC joy. I don't love murder. DM me for query guidelines!

Kait Feldmann
I edit books and also hoard them📚🍟picture book/GN editor @HarperCollins 🍟hapa (Chinese/white) 🍟she/her🍟 opinions mine, but you can have some

Here’s my #MSWL in a nutshell: moods, meltdowns, mischief, magic, murder. I want big complex conflicting emotions and radically joyful adventures. I want lovable tricksters and goofy wizards and characters who eat each other. I want to CACKLE.

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Young Adult: historical fiction, LGBTQ+ romance, a story about a boy band, mysteries and thrillers, magical realism with gorgeous prose, a novel-in-verse, experimental story structure.” @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Historical with fabulist elements. Think Alice Hoffman — literary prose, a sharply defined setting, just a hint of magic. #MSWL

Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara
Alexandra Weiss
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Azantian Literary. Book lover, space enthusiast, dream chaser. (Closed to queries!) She/her. 💖💜💙 Profile pic: @KaneIcarusLynch
2 Tips

I’m most actively looking for MG and YA graphic novels by BIPOC creators. I’d love to see contemporary projects or stories with a touch of magic. Would also love to see more nonfiction GNs. #mswl

Hannah Bowman
Literary Agent
Lit agent ("without her more characters would have lived"). Prison abolitionist @Xians4Abolition . Theologian. Let's tell revolutionary stories together. She/her
40 AskAgent
6 Tips

Rewatching She-Ra again is reminding me of how very much I love sentient planets/planetary magic, like this and what NK Jemisin does in THE STONE SKY. Give me all your conscious magic planets. #MSWL (attn @laurenbanka you should probably know this)

Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I am interested in a variety of YA genres: contemporary, magical realism, horror, mystery, thriller, and light fantasy. I enjoy literary prose combined with a strong voice and high concept.” @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation

Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ In Adult: Magical libraries, magical bookstores, magical book stalls w/ back alley portals to magical worlds. You get the picture.

#A Adult #F #SF #MR set in Boston or an alternate-Boston. Give me a Boston version of THE CITY WE BECAME, UN LUN DUN, or NEVERWHERE.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Urban Fantasy-Mystery like MAGIC FOR LOVERS or RIVERS OF LONDON, but not like THE DRESDEN FILES--no werewolves or vampires please.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Afrofuturist Fantasy, Africanfuturist SF, or any BIPOC SF/F story with BIPOC characters. Send me everything that comps Nnedi Okorafor or N.K. Jemisin.

⟡ Literary or Upmarket Magical Realism like Carlos Ruiz Zafón's THE SHADOW OF THE WIND.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Historical fantasy like JONATHAN STRANGE but from a different culture.

⟡ Anything that comps Claire North.

⟡ Fabulist Urban Spec Fic like China Miéville's PERDITO STREET STATION.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Fantasy that blows me away with a brand new, entirely unique magical system.

⟡ IP MAN meets THE MAGICIANS with magic martial arts schools or clans instead of a magic university.

⟡ Mars rovers meets Battlebots (thanks, @MichaelMammay).


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Fantasy that comps Peaky Blinders or Harlots or both.

⟡ Fantasy with cultural roots like BLACK LEOPARD, RED WOLF by Marlon James.

⟡ Adult Asian-based or Asian-American fantasy.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Time travel stories with strong characters at their heart, think 11/22/63 by Stephen King or KINDRED by Octavia Butler.

⟡ Black version of UTOPIA AVENUE featuring Magical Realism in Motown or the golden age of Rap.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ SF 'one room'–style mystery set in the future, where near-ageless conniving matriarch is the prime suspect in deaths of all her adult offspring. Like Speculative KNIVES OUT flipped on its head.

⟡ LGBTQIA+ Adult Fantasy or Sci-Fi.


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara

⟡ Rescue mission from poor/dying Earth upward through each distinct orbiting level of society to the uppermost/richest hardest-to-penetrate level. Think race/gender-flipped SENLIN ASCENDS meets Altered Carbon S1.