Literary Agent
📚Deke📚 @WereGeek
@esc_key I would like to request a puppy dispenser instead, please.Magic puppy dispenser is also #MSWL.
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
“Fantasy (urban or otherwise) dealing with the diaspora of a magical community—how does the magic change/thrive?” @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
My complete #MSWL is live, and yes, I did watch all of Stranger Things season one in a day - don't judge! Check out what I'm looking for here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/tess…
Ashley Hearn @AshleyHearn
In celebrating my one year workiversary at Page Street, I'm going to update my #MSWL! Stay tuned for some specific things I'm on the hunt for, but remember, this list is buy no means exhaustive. More than anything I love being surprised by a book, so when in doubt—query!The NUMBER ONE item on my #MSWL is a diverse magic girl squad book. Think Sailor Moon but with an intersectional cast. If you send this to me now, I will read it tomorrow.
Literary Agent
Brit Elisabet Hvide Busse @bhvide
Honestly I want more political fantasy about mothers as heroes orchestrating the rise of their children to power. It happens in history all the time. These women’s stories deserve to be told with magic and hecking dragons.Ooo this. I want this. #mswl
Yoshi Yoshitani @yoshisquared
Here's my #Metsona for @kevinwada's challenge!Inspired by the former persecution of the Catholic faith in Japan, and Catholic Samurai folk heroes like Amakusa Shirō
It's a complicated and nuanced part of Japanese, Catholic, political, and colonization history, read more! pic.twitter.com/zEF1WApjZ8
*lies on floor, envisions an epic tale of (possibly genderbent) warrior heroes, religious conflict, magic, nuanced takes on colonial politics, etc.*
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Our interests are listed there @ Prentisliterary.com But wave a wand @ my inbox 2day? I'd want some POC, magical funk realism-w/lush, succulent prose that dribble down your chin. Prose like @halleluyang,@chrisabani or Kai Ashanti Wilson. Could list more but not with 140 #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I have finally FINALLY made my #MSWL page. Already itching to update it. Check me out, agent friends: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/hann…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
beth phelan @beth_phelan
Gonna drop a few #MSWL tweets as I’ve been going through my queries this weekend (sorry if you’re still waiting on a response—I’m getting there!) and trying to listen to what my gut is craving. I’m focusing on MG and YA, so let’s get started:I would really love some character-driven YA fantasy that is both dark AND funny. Especially if there is a big eclectic cast and truly unique magic. Voicey characters but still high stakes and a world with details that awe, from city life to wildlife. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Would love to see some magical realism in my inbox #mswl for all those who are #amwriting
Literary Agency
"Historical middle grade that re-rewrites history to add an element of magic." @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/