Literary Agent
In YA, I'd love to see:
🌞Queer romance
🌞Thrillers with isolated settings
🌞Horror with gothic and atmospheric vibes
🌞Historical that centers on POC stories
🌞Subversive and dark fantasy
In Middle Grade, I'd love to see:
⚽️Fantasy inspired by myths, folklore, or legends
⚽️Historical that centers POC stories
⚽️Contemporary with an environmental bent
⚽️Horror with ghosts, creepy crawlies, and witches
⚽️Growing up in non-traditional settings
⚽️Earth-based sci-fi
Literary Agent
I do love spookier/horror elements. Give me your ghosts, shadows, unexplainable phenomenon. Think THE WHISPERING DARK or WILDER GIRLS vibes.
I'm not against monster-hunter/vampire-slayer type stories, but I often tend not to be right for them.
Literary Agent
I am pretty picky with my YA spec fic interests, and it's sort of an "I'll know it when I see it" situation. That being said, I tend toward contemporary fantasy, horror, and/or relatively grounded narratives that feature some kind of speculative twist (i.e.: CEMETERY BOYS).
Literary Agency
"I've been loving horror that has a lighter writing style to contrast the darkness of the story itself. If you have humor in your horror, I'd love to take a look!"
@claire_m_harris #MSWL
Literary Agent
Gothics and dark academia!! Please!! Whether they’re speculative or not, whether they lean more into horror or into romance, I’m very flexible with these two subgenres and want to see them all.
Literary Agent
I read very broadly in horror, but some of my recent fave reads have been LEECH, SUMMER SONS, MEXICAN GOTHIC, MANHUNT, & HOUSE OF HUNGER in adult, HOUSE OF HOLLOW & THE TAKING OF JAKE LIVINGSTON in YA. Big fan of INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE & WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS as well.
Literary Agent
All types, ages, and subgenres of horror. Looking for the whole spectrum: quiet atmospheric stories, darkly funny horror comedies, and big, over the top slashers. This is the main genre I’m looking for in MG!
Literary Agent
For the basics, I represent: MG horror, mysteries, & thrillers; YA SFF, horror, mysteries, & thrillers; adult SFF, horror, mysteries, & thrillers; select YA/adult GN; and select adult NF. More niche wants below ⬇️
Literary Agent
Dina Davis @DinaJDavis
Agents, I'd love to see more horror submissions from marginalized voices, especially ones based around their local/cultural folkfore and/or social issues. #mswlCan I double #MSWL this and I'll send it to Dina?!!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Adult fiction: Literary and upmarket projects, speculative fiction, horror, mystery, psychological thrillers, domestic thrillers, magical realism/fabulism, Southern gothic, rom-coms
Literary Agent
YA fiction: Horror, mystery, thriller, grounded stories with a speculative element, magical realism/fabulism, Southern gothic, rom-coms (heavy on the com)
Literary Agent
Middle grade fiction: Horror, mystery, grounded stories with a speculative element, magical realism/fabulism, big-hearted contemporary, & adventure stories.