Literary Agency
“Select horror—I’m more interested in psychological elements, but I don’t mind a bit of gore. Anything disturbing or unnerving is up my alley. Novels + collections welcome!” @claire_m_harris #MSWL
Literary Agent
Sadie Hartmann (Mother Horror) @SadieHartmann
What if I rented a huge, beautiful house on a private island and hosted a horror writing competition?Here’s the thing: I read this as HORSE and now I want it. Bring me your YA horror novels with a huge haunted wild horse on an island. Like a Misty of Chincoteague meets RL stine. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Super specifics things I’m looking for that you should definitely send if you have it
- middle grade National Treasure
- a hobbyist who raises bees
- YA Pose
- Black femmes in STEM
- asexual characters
- Black chess players
- terrifying MG horror
Literary Agency
“Psychological thrillers with elements of horror (light on the gore).” @claire_m_harris #MSWL
Literary Agent
just a reminder I'm officially opening for queries tomorrow! mainly, I'm looking for sff/horror/mystery/thrillers across MG, YA, & adult, and some select GN and nonfiction. you can find my extended #mswl page below & I look forward to reading!…
Literary Agent
Doth @DothTheDoth
The monster isn’t under your bed or in the woods, it’s you. The monster has always been you.#MSWL adult horror. This premise. Unreliable narrator. Please. Thank you.
Literary Agent
Logan Harper @LoganRHarper
Will be participating in #PitDark today! If I like your pitch, please send your query letter, synopsis, and first three chapters to lharper(at)janerotrosen(dot)com.I am also open to queries! I’m particularly hungry for adult and literary horror, dark and twisty suspense, & social horror or thrillers with a speculative edge. Full #mswl at the link in my bio, and you can submit to me here:
Literary Agent
Also if you've written a YA Thriller or Horror, I'd love to see it. As well, select YA Fantasy will also be considered. YA with a quirky unique cast of characters is a yes, please!
#WritingCommunity #amquerying #MSWL
Literary Agent
At long last, I have a #MSWL! Find the link below and in my bio:…
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
“Creepy horror stories for MG and YA readers.” @agentvicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
It's been a while, but I've updated my #MSWL! Find the link below and in my bio: #amquerying
Literary Agent
Alison Weiss @alioop7
So, my writer friends . . .…Literary Agent
Weirdly excited about having a #MSWL profile now. 👀…