Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
And as promised... my #MSWL is now live here! >>> <<<
Will we be a good match??? I hope so!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Amanda Jain @wensday95
Hello my nonfiction writing friends! I have a TON of #mswl tweets for you this morning, so buckle up.I'm gonna plug @wensday95's #MSWL here because basically her adult taste is what sounds so cool to me in kids:…
Literary Agent
I think a book that also talks about tough subjects would be cool. Like racial issues, a death manual (as in like how to talk about it, etc), financial planning. And why it is important TO talk about these things. There is so much that isn't talk about until BOOM! adult. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kelly 📚 @LitAgentKelly
For whatever reason, I’m really craving some historical MG, YA, and Adult right now. Scotland history and mythology in the Jacobites time, Louis the XIV court intrigue, French Revolution YA, Spanish Civil War, House of Savoy unification of Italy, Russian Revolution, etc.. #MSWL in YA and Adult! Love some court/palace intrigue, especially if in a more unknown place in literature. (SEE TWEET ATTACHED FOR INFO!) I’m also always looking for my super feminist/independent US historical a la Ruby from Cold Mountain. #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL I'm looking for strong YA/adult crossover titles with voice, sense of place, and a unique POV. Keep momentum going. Also, please something with a unique format or story structure that will be appeal to reluctant readers.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'd also love to see some #Caribbean/#Latinx post-Hurricane Irma/Maria stories, stories that tackle the issues head-on but in a hopeful way, with a romance or personal growth for the main characters. Also YA or Adult.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jumping into #mswl late! In general, I am open to a wide range of MG, YA, and adult fiction, and I'm currently taking queries! More info about my general interests here, and if you're not sure, always feel free to query:…