Melanie Castillo
Literary Agent
Root Literary
Literary Agent @rootliterary. @aalitagents member. 📝 MS in Creative Writing & Book Publishing. 📚 Scorpio. ♏️ Laughs too loud and constantly craves sweets. 🧁

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I spent some time this weekend revamping my Publishers Marketplace page and manuscript wishlist (linked on PM). If you're an author getting ready to query your work, check it out! I'd love to hear from you. #MSWL #amagenting #WritingCommunity

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Lyz Lenz @lyzl
My 11yo daughter sent four anonymous holiday candy grams in her class just to, in her words, "cause chaos." And per her report, by the time she left school the kids in her grade had all devolved into shouting and accusing one another. I've never been more proud.I too enjoy chaos. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Melanie Figueroa @wellmelsbells
So I hear lots of folks mention Train to Busan, but I don’t see the sequel Peninsula get as much love. It’s one of my all-time fave films, and IMO better than the first movie. It’s Walking Dead meets Fast and the Furious (except that there is one driver, a bad ass teenage girl).If you like kick ass women and zombies and high stakes and an ending that makes you want to both cry and eat the world then I highly suggest it! Also anything with these vibes is an auto request for me! #MSWL 🧟♀️

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I may have tackled @LynneKelly the first time I met her because I'm obsessed with her middle grade book SONG FOR A WHALE (Lynne is also just an A+ human so there's that too). If you have a book that feels reminiscent please send it my way! #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
If you can comp your book to pretty much anything written by Blake Crouch or Michael Crichton, then I want to see you in the @RootLiterary submission inbox! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Norma 🇵🇷🇨🇺 @normajeanesays
Happy #MSWL day! If I don’t get a romance/women’s fiction submission about a 30-year-old Latinx woman who’s throwing her quinceañera part 2 (aka the one she never had) and finally gets the boy who got away, I will flip. Think Never Been Kissed meets The Wedding Singer con azucar.I might just scream and never stop if this appeared in the @RootLiterary submission inbox. #MSWL