Rebecca Kuss
senior editor @ rick riordan presents+disney hyperion. @DVpit_ program manager. 🇰🇷✡️. she/her.
7 AskAgent

Rebecca Kuss @reebsthereader

agent friends! watching bong joon ho make history last night 🇰🇷🥳💕 has restored my faith in the power of creativity

so here is my 2020 YA #mswl. let's make stories together & continue to strive towards a better world that offers mirrors, windows, and doors to all young people

after a full week of being in bed with a fever, cough, body aches, and chest pains i'm finally coming out in the other side and ready to do something other than watch the office...

agents, check out my #mswl and ✨PLEASE✨send me those YA submissions. i am R E A D Y to read.

Emmanuelle Morgen
Literary Agent
Literary agent @StonesongNYC . On the board of @BikeHudsonCo , @BikeHoboken & @Hoboken_FBW (she/her)
9 Queries
2 Tips

A YA about being trapped with your family. Yet finding connection, solace. #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Romance, Literary, Commercial, Suspense, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL

Deeba Zargarpur
📚 Senior Editor S&S @SalaamReads @simonteen @simonKIDS ✍🏽 HOUSE OF YESTERDAY (11.29.22); FARRAH NOORZAD (2024) 💫 All opinions are my own 🇦🇫🇺🇿🇹🇯
11 AskAgent

💔 Stories that center on complicated history, trickery and deceit, and a full cast of characters just trying to get by (and slay some baddies). Think INUYASHA. If you know, you know. 😭😭😭 YA. #MSWL

Deeba Zargarpur
📚 Senior Editor S&S @SalaamReads @simonteen @simonKIDS ✍🏽 HOUSE OF YESTERDAY (11.29.22); FARRAH NOORZAD (2024) 💫 All opinions are my own 🇦🇫🇺🇿🇹🇯
11 AskAgent

💞 Family means everything to me and I'm a sucker for stories that feature big, multigenerational, immigrant families. 🎁 Have a story that has a treasure trove of family history? 💫 Bonus points for multilingual households and prose that keeps me up at night. YA or MG. #MSWL

Deeba Zargarpur
📚 Senior Editor S&S @SalaamReads @simonteen @simonKIDS ✍🏽 HOUSE OF YESTERDAY (11.29.22); FARRAH NOORZAD (2024) 💫 All opinions are my own 🇦🇫🇺🇿🇹🇯
11 AskAgent

Deeba Zargarpur @deebazargarpur

💐 Nowruz mubarak everyone 💐
In these times, it's important to find the things that bring you joy. And nothing brings me more joy than getting lost in a new story. #MSWL thread 👇🏽

💫 Nowruz/Sale Now 💫 has always felt so magical to me. It reminds me of new beginnings, of spring overcoming darkness, of the feeling of change just beyond the horizon.
Have something that captures this feeling? I want it. 👀 Bonus points for humor and romance. YA or MG.

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“YA non-fiction: Memoir, essay collections, you name it. Queer There & Everywhere is probably my favorite YA non-fic title in recent memory, and a great example of what I’d like to see.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Ameerah Holliday
Literary Agent
“The very time I thought I was lost, / My dungeon shook and my chains fell off” Dancer | Poetess | Revolution | Agent - Serendipity Lit | Opinions are my own

I rewatched the movie The Covenant & decided that the Sons of Ipswich storylines would make a great YA series. Is that a thing already? If not, someone write it & send it to me! I’m a junior agent so, I’m not sure I’m allowed to #MSWL but oh well, I’m going rogue!

Annie Bomke
Literary Agent
Literary agent, pizza lover, dance fiend, park enthusiast, and that's just the beginning. There are no limits to what I can do. (She/her.)
151 MSWL
24 AskAgent
42 Queries
25 Tips

I could really use some funny YA. #MSWL

Annie Bomke
Literary Agent
Literary agent, pizza lover, dance fiend, park enthusiast, and that's just the beginning. There are no limits to what I can do. (She/her.)
151 MSWL
24 AskAgent
42 Queries
25 Tips

Gimme dark Victorian mysteries and horror, not about Jack the Ripper. This goes for YA and adult. #MSWL

Chip Rice
Literary Agent
Literary agent @WordLinkInc . Husband and father. Fan of undiscovered voices. Faith, sports, nature, coffee & conversation.

#MSWL A: Literary fiction and upmarket works in most genres. YA: Voice-driven contemporary, fantasy, or paranormal. NF: Platform-driven memoirs and Christian inspirational. #WritingCommunity

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
948 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Coronavirus Lockdowns Are Creating Big Challenges For Deaf Students Being Forced To Leave College. Fascinating article #MSWL in #YA…

Sara Goodman
Editorial Director, Wednesday Books.

I’d love to find a high concept contemporary YA with a surprising narrative device/structure. Think Fleishman Is In Trouble for a young adult/crossover audience. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
4 Tips

Agented only #MSWL: adult historical (ripped from the headlines or little known stories), upmarket women's fiction, Millenial fiction, college set fiction (YA or adult)

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
4 Tips

Agented only #MSWL things I want across YA and adult: crossover fantasy (contemporary and not), magical realism, rom coms, rom sads, family stories, witches, vampires

Johanna Castillo
Literary Agent
Literary agent at Writers House /Former VP Executive Editor & Editorial Director @simonandschuster she/her/latinx subs:

House-bound #MSWL I’m looking for the next big YA or adult rom-com with a unique, compelling premise and #diverse characters #OwnVoices #MSWL #makemecry

Rachel Mann
Literary Agent
Literary agent | She/her

More #ownvoices queer and trans love stories in YA would be excellent! And YA graphic novels, too.

Rachel Mann
Literary Agent
Literary agent | She/her

YA / crossover is the big one, and there I'm looking for new takes on big commercial / genre, as well as funny, uplifting, voice-led novels, and (always) teen books full of sex, politics and content that teenagers actually want to read but that gatekeepers are sh*t scared of...

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I’d really love to get more YA horror in my inbox. Smart horror. I don’t want gore, I want a story that creeps me out, and asks questions I don’t want answers to.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Rachel Mann
Literary Agent
Literary agent | She/her

I'm largely a kids and YA agent, but I do also represent adult work - especially bold non-fiction with a clear hook and (often) socially progressive aspect - feminism; socialism; environmentalism; internationalism; mental health; prison reform - I'd love to see it.