Michelle Richter
Literary Agent
@FuseLiterary Senior Agent. Murder=my fave. @PacePublishing alum. @SINCNational member. She/her. Query Manager link: QueryMe.Online/MichelleRichter
9 AskAgent
1575 Queries
72 Tips

Think of me for YA mystery/thriller/suspense #MSWL

Annie Bomke
Literary Agent
Literary agent, pizza lover, dance fiend, park enthusiast, and that's just the beginning. There are no limits to what I can do. (She/her.)
151 MSWL
24 AskAgent
42 Queries
25 Tips

Happy #MSWL Day! I'm looking for commercial, literary and upmarket fiction for both adult and YA. I love mysteries, historical, magical realism, myth retellings, novel retellings, psychological thrillers/suspense, psychological/literary horror...

Susan Velazquez
Literary Agent
Publishing professional, Texas native, and Oxford comma supporter. Chingona como mi madre.

I also want to add that I'm open to all kinds of historical fic--thrillers, fantasy, mysteries, women's fic, YA, etc, etc. I JUST LOVE BEING IN A DIFFERENT TIME PERIOD. #mswl

Susan Velazquez
Literary Agent
Publishing professional, Texas native, and Oxford comma supporter. Chingona como mi madre.

Time to share my #MSWL! For SFF: Black Mirror-esque thrillers that imagine the dark and twisted places tech could take us. My fave eps were "Nosedive" and "Men Against Fire." Also want fantasies built on myths and legends, especially from diverse cultures.

Joshua Bilmes
Literary Agent
The personal Twitter account for the President for Life of JABberwocky Literary Agency.

3. #MSWL mysteries! thrillers! 1st book I sold was a mystery. Before Sookie Stackhouse I was selling mysteries for @realcharlaine & in an alternate universe the early mysteries I sold would have taken off more than the early sf/f I sold & I'd be a hotshot mystery agent

Northbank Talent Management
Literary Agency
Talent and literary agency based in London representing thought leaders, broadcasters and writers across all media throughout the world.
1 AskAgent
One Track Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Boutique Lit Agency founded by @taragel for Romance, WF, Mysteries, YA & more. Check my website then QueryMe.Online/onetracklit

It's #MSWL day! Seeking high-concept romantic comedies, YAs with some mystery, WF not about grief or divorce, psych Thrillers with great twists. Love fierce women, humor, intelligent characters, banter/quick witted dialogue. Submit 3 chaps + synopsis to QueryMe.Online/OTLA

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

Seeking: Adult: thrillers, psychological suspense, SFF, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: suspense/thrillers, SFF, horror, mysteries, historical, & contemporary. MG: SFF, action/adventure, contemporary, mysteries horror, & humor. #MSWL #diversity 4/4

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

A few uber specific #mswl requests:

-middle grade set in CA
-MG/YA featuring Jewish characters (whether they are religious is up to you)
-a book about NASA space camp
-characters with weird jobs or hobbies
-realistic, sex-positive YA
-international thriller with a female MC

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

Still looking at dom. suspense & psych thrillers. V competitive out there so I’m not looking for something that is overcomplicated & trying to out-do what’s on the market. I’m looking for excellent, simple (which is so much harder!), haunting/spooky/creepy writing. #mswl

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

Dark literary mysteries/suspense/thrillers with female lead i.e. DARK PLACES, YOU WILL KNOW ME, THE FEVER, THE POWER #mswl

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

Brent Dragoo @Brent_Dragoo

@BookEndsJessica What kinds of crime stories interest you?
Replying to @Brent_Dragoo

I'm most interested in mysteries/thrillers/suspense/domestic suspense/thrillers-- anything with a female protagonist. I'm not usually a fan of the spy thriller or international thriller, although I would love more international suspense/mystery. #askagent #MSWL

Claire Harris
Literary Agent
thriller fanatic, rom com addict, acquiring literary agent @psliterary - she/her
24 AskAgent
Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

I will not be able to spend a lot of time in #PitMad, but I am open to queries and hungry. #MSWL: mystery, suspense, thriller, women's fiction, upmarket & literary adult fiction. Query me here: querymanager.com/query/Jessica_…

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

If I missed your #PitMad pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. Adult: SFF, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. YA: thriller, SFF, horror, mystery, cont., & historical. MG: SFF, adventure, mystery, cont., & horror. #diversity #MSWL querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.) com

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Thriller (legal, medical, political, etc.), Mystery (cozy, private eye, police procedural, etc.)" @CurtisPSLA #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

As you know I've been on the hunt for more #ownvoices and #diversebooks in nonfiction & fiction in mystery, suspense, thriller, upmarket & literary, & women's fiction. #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

While #ownvoices and #diversebooks have caught on in YA, I'm still struggling to see it in adult and, frankly, that's what I want more of. #MSWL My target genres right now are: literary & upmarket fiction, mystery, suspense, thriller, & women's fiction.

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

Seeking: Adult: thrillers, psychological suspense, SFF, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: thrillers, psychological suspense, SFF, horror, mysteries, historical, & contemporary. MG: SFF, action/adventure, mysteries, contemporary, horror, & humor. #diversity #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

In general, my #MSWL includes mystery, suspense, thriller, women's fiction, upmarket & literary fiction. I want more #ownvoices in all things and more #diversebooks #thursdaythoughts