The Ripped Bodice @TheRippedBodice
If I'm being completely honest the romance novel I most want to read right now is one about editors @bonappetit falling in love in the test kitchenMe too @TheRippedBodice, me too. #MSWL
Until then, I'll reread A SWEET MESS which is a very close comp.
Literary Agent
Just left #CirqueDuSoleil and now I want queer acrobat romance #MSWL
Lisa Dunn @AuthorLisaDunn
If you have a polished Christian #YA manuscript, click on the link to read @anaiahpress editors’ updated wishlist and submit your query and sample pages for feedback Nov. 4-10. #mswl #amwriting twitter.com/anaiahpress/st…Want personalized feedback on your query?? Check out this offer via @anaiahpress editors #mswl #writingcommunity #Christian #CF #inspy #YAlit #romance
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If I missed your #PitDark pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. Adult: horror, thriller, SFF, cont. romance, & mystery. YA: thriller, SFF, horror, mystery, & cont. MG: SFF, mystery, cont., & horror. #diversity #MSWL #ownvoices querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.) com
Assistant Editor
My #MSWL is now live!
Carina Press @CarinaPress
Attention romance writers! @carrielofty wants your reconciliation romances. Save a once-loving couple from disaster! Find more information and submission guidelines here ► bit.ly/2I4xFF0#AmWriting #CarinaWants pic.twitter.com/RbLjxwrDcJ
Reconciliation romances? Oh yes!!! Gimme 🤗😍🤗
#amediting #CarinaWants #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, Cozy Mystery, True Crime, Suspense, Historical Romance--Victorian and Regency only, Middle Grade Mystery. blueridgeagency.com Looking forward to reading your queries.
Literary Agency
“Paging Romance writers! I’m looking for fun, romantic romps ala CRAZY RICH ASIANS particularly LGBTQ+ romances like RED WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE.” @maureen_moretti #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/
Literary Agent
While I’m still closed to unsolicited queries atm, I’m looking forward to seeing some pitches next week @SavvyAuthors ... looking for more #ownvoices submissions and also contemporary and/or historical romance. #mswl
Literary Agent
Melanie J. Fishbane @MelanieFishbane
Have you seen this @renarossner @LindaEpstein @sarah_aronson heyalma.com/were-obsessed-…Speaking of Jewish (and other diverse) romance... #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Recent romances that I have loved and would like to see comps to:
Basically, I want to see the next generation of romance. Millennials in romance, #ownvoices, underrepresented groups, and more. #MSWL 2/3
Literary Agent
Soooo... there is a lack of romance in my box, and I would like to rectify that. #amquerying
If you have a romance novel you are querying, I would love to see it! #MSWL
I'm looking for romance books that almost cross over into contemporary fiction/women's fiction. 1/3
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Skelly-ton is CLOSED to Queries 🎃💀 @LitAgentKelly
So, I AM CLOSED TO UNSOLICITED QUERIES through January 1st, but I'm REALLY looking for some LGBTQIA+ and POC #ownvoices stories I can help to champion and get heard. I also am desperately looking for MG (fantasy, sci-fi, cont., hist.) and Adult (fantasy, cont. rom., hist.) #MSWLThough I'm NOT asking to receive more queries, I would love to know if you sent me one and it's sitting in my box somewhere waiting for me to see it. If you haven't sent anything yet, pitch me via @SavvyAuthors next week from the 23rd-25th! If I like it, it's a request! <3 #MSWL