Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"Retellings of fairy-tales & myths, w/ a twist. Different ending? Gender swapped? You tell me! @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
Natascha Morris on Vacation @SoCalledYALife
I want a voice driven MG that has a great hook. #MSWLI love fairytale retellings, but I tend to swing more literary on these. Donna Jo Napoli, Gail Carson Levin, Robin McKinley #MSWL

Literary Agent
Talynn "Ink Girl" @TalynnL
#bookendschat What are the top wishlist items for YA right now?In YA: leverage heist novel. Retelling of Count of Monte Cristo. Lush fantasy with a gorgeous magic system. #MSWL #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
#MSWLaesthetic Compelling, emotional Fiddler on the Roof retelling/-inspired #histfic YA/A. What happened to Chava? The family in NYC? #mswl

Literary Agent
Exciting news: my Manuscript Wish List Page has gone live at manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jess… Go poke around & see what's on my #MSWL (then send it!)

Literary Agent

Alex Arnold @alexyarnold
I gravitate most towards magical realism, contemporary realistic, puzzle novels, & quirky/accessible fantasyAnyway, if you've got anything that seems like a fit, I'd love to read! My #MSWL is here if you want to see more: alexarnoldeditor.tumblr.com/wishlist

Literary Agency
"Dark, feminist fairy tale retelling. The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter for #YA (novel though, not stories)." @msmariavicente #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Angela Kunkel 📚 @rahrahread
What's at the top of your #MSWL right now? #askPSLAA dark, unusual fairytale retelling for YA & an immersive, literary fantasy for MG. #askPSLA #MSWL

Ashley Hearn @AshleyHearn
Sports stories! Especially female-driven or intersectional sports stories. Think Fox's PITCH for YA. #MSWLHistorical retellings or AU history. Biblical retellings. Maybe a gender-swapped Alexandra the Great or a YA Esther. #MSWL

Literary Agent