Mariah Nichols
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at D4EO Literary Agency | Programming Nerd

Hi writers! Just a reminder that my inbox is open and ready for queries! I also updated my #MSWL, which I will breakdown starting in 3, 2, 1, 🧵 time.

Tiny Fox Press
A small press with an even smaller fox.

Some (many :) ) have already noticed, but we're open to queries again today. Check our sub page for details: #amquerying #mswl

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

If you want to know what I mean in my #MSWL by weird and unique scifi that shatters boundaries, check out NOPHEK GLOSS and AZURA GHOST by @EssaHansen and see why everyone has raved about this incredible multiverse sci fi adventure.…

Carolina Ortiz
🇨🇱❤️💜💙 Editor @ Harper Children's | @PocPub Co-Director | @LatinxinPub Mentorship Co-Director | Lover of bookstores y tequila| She/Her| Avi @emcorm
5 AskAgent

From Train to Busan to Anna and the Apocalypse, I was reminded again today how much I love zombie apocalypse stories! Send me your YAs and MGs zombie adventures, horrors, and hijinks, starring BIPOC characters please #mswl🙏🏼

Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing
28 AskAgent
23 Tips

I'm officially open and looking forward to seeing some amazing manuscripts!

Please feel free to query me:
#amquerying #WritingCommunity

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
206 MSWL
449 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips
Sabrina Pyun
Assistant Editor
🌺Assistant Editor @ScribnerBooks 🌱she/her🌸Foodstagram: sablikesfood💐JHU Writing Sems ‘19🍄All opinions my own🪴Now acquiring🍁

I want a plant book! I want a nonfiction plant book that makes it easy to take care of plants at home, in an apartment, ideally, some things that are edible! I can never tell if I'm doing something right with herbs and searching the internet is tiresome...🌱#MSWL

Westwood Creative Artists
Literary Agency
Westwood Creative Artists is one of Canada’s oldest and most respected literary agencies.

Our own @megwheelez is on top of the world and re-opening to queries today! Check out her new #MSWL, and if you think you might be a good fit, we can't wait to see you in our Submissions inbox!

Michelle Hauck
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent with Storm Literary Agency | Author Birth of Saint Series | she/her |

I am officially open to queries! You can query using Query Manager at

I accept adult SFF, including horror, and adult cozy mystery.

I accept all genre of YA and MG.

I am not looking for PB, NF or graphic novels at this time.

Clara Chuiton
Literary Agent
literary associate at Olswanger Literary // romance writer // mother to a cat // 💫 open to queries 💫// pp by @makowwka

To query me, paste the first chapter of your manuscript and your query in my QM form (!

I try to answer all queries in under two weeks, but my workload does not always allow it. Feel free to nudge me if you have not received a reply after three weeks!

Clara Chuiton
Literary Agent
literary associate at Olswanger Literary // romance writer // mother to a cat // 💫 open to queries 💫// pp by @makowwka

As always, I am looking to amplify the voices of BIPOC, disabled, and LGBTQ+ authors. Anything set somewhere other than America is likely to catch my eye, and so are projects with non-binary and trans MCs.

Clara Chuiton
Literary Agent
literary associate at Olswanger Literary // romance writer // mother to a cat // 💫 open to queries 💫// pp by @makowwka

For sci-fi manuscripts, the softer and cozier the better. Anything set on a spaceship, with a strong romantic subplot, a diverse cast, and high, commercial stakes, will sweep me off my feet.

Clara Chuiton
Literary Agent
literary associate at Olswanger Literary // romance writer // mother to a cat // 💫 open to queries 💫// pp by @makowwka

I would love to see more high-concept horror, in settings or time periods that feel new. Queer horror (think THE DEAD AND THE DARK or WILDER GIRLS but adult), gothic, and psychological horror are my favorites, but I never know what I'm going to fall in love with!

Clara Chuiton
Literary Agent
literary associate at Olswanger Literary // romance writer // mother to a cat // 💫 open to queries 💫// pp by @makowwka

For the romance genre, some of the keywords that pique my interest in a query are: sapphic, #ownvoices, rom-coms, historical, nerdy, fun, fantastical, rivalry, and academia.

If your query contains one or two (or more) of these words, I'd love to read it!

Clara Chuiton
Literary Agent
literary associate at Olswanger Literary // romance writer // mother to a cat // 💫 open to queries 💫// pp by @makowwka

I'm open to queries again! Which means it's about time for an updated ✨2022 MSWL✨

I am still focusing exclusively on adult genres, with my priority being romance, science-fiction, and horror. #MSWL

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
📚 lit agent @WCA_LitAgency 📖 advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA 🐕‍🦺 recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. ♿ clients #SpineSquad 📘
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

Alright now, who's ready to write me the sapphic pastel goth magical academy book of my dreams? #MSWL

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
206 MSWL
449 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Pop psychology & fun self-help projects, especially from a qualified position (i.e. therapist, psychologist, life coach, etc). I love books that can provide tangible ways to improve yourself, while also being considered a fun read.” @claire_m_harris #MSWL

Jill Saginario
Acquisitions Editor, Sasquatch Books. Seeking cookbook, lifestyle, self help, and other nonfiction book proposals (DM for contact details)

As an acquiring editor and a huge food nerd, I’m looking for cookbook proposals from authors with an established platform! #mswl Recipe writers/testers or literary agents with lifestyle/nonfiction authors, take note 🤞🏼

Alison Weiss
Acquisitions Editor at @PixelandInkBks . Causing all sorts of mayhem in the publishing world. Tweets are of my own dastardly devising.

I've also always loved the breaking down nostalgia and the journey of pushing back and breaking out of Pleasantville and The Truman Show. I'd love those themes in a series, too. #MSWL