Michelle Witte
Literary Agent
Publishing professional and mental health advocate. I write craptastic books. Some people think I'm funny. You should probably be worried about those people.
171 MSWL
18 Tips

#MSWL Contemp realistic YA/MG about sisters and/or best friends. Like SWEETNESS OF SALT, which is $1.99 on Kindle rn amzn.to/295Bxm4

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter. ashane@writershouse.com
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#MSWL a sports mystery series for kids. Baseball, football, or soccer ideally, but any kind of sports mystery

Elaine Spencer
Literary Agent
Literary Agent w/@knightagency.
7 Tips

Ok #mswl, let's go- #wf that centers around a dynamic family tragedy or event, but not necessarily from the widows POV (which we see a lot)

Katie Grimm
Literary Agent
literary agent, garrulous book collector, bon vivant. she/her

Want any genre of #YA that has friendships just starting or falling apart for twisty, real, heartbreaking reasons #mswl

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter. ashane@writershouse.com
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#MSWL anything with a creepy house or an old asylum or an abandoned building with a sordid history.

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
155 MSWL
17 Tips
Molly O'Neill
Literary Agent
Literary agent & builder of bookmakers @RootLiterary . Collector & connector of words + art + people + stories. Shameless sharer of cat pics. @MarquetteU alum.
121 MSWL
2 Tips

Magical realism. Magical realism. Magical realism. Magical realism. Magical realism. Magical realism. Magical realism! YA or MG. #MSWL

Shira Hoffman
Literary Agent
Singer, dancer, editor, poet, animal lover, and abuser of exclamation marks! (She/Her)
12 Tips

WF featuring women living fulfilled lives w/o kids as the focus. Sister stories, mystery plotlines, and suspense are pluses #mswl

Yali Books
Yali Books is an independent publisher of books with a focus on South Asian cultures. Tweets by @AmbikaSam . #weneeddiversebooks #indiepublishing
Sara Schonfeld
Associate Editor @HarperChildrens and @HarperTeen . Author of BIRTHDAY ON MARS! Rep @marchsoloway . I tweet about bad dates, good books, and my own opinions.

Spy, superhero, treasure hunts, heist, and all the action-adventure chapter books! Oh and bunnies, all the bunnies. #MSWL

Molly O'Neill
Literary Agent
Literary agent & builder of bookmakers @RootLiterary . Collector & connector of words + art + people + stories. Shameless sharer of cat pics. @MarquetteU alum.
121 MSWL
2 Tips

I'd like a memorable historical YA or MG where what the characters go thru feels deeply resonant & accessible to readers' lives today. #MSWL

Liz Kossnar
Senior editor at LBYR. Lover of music, wine, and the obscure. Quips and opinions my own.

I'm always down for puns for #PB but erring on subtle, if possible. More points for hte premise itself being the pun. #MSWL

Michelle Witte
Literary Agent
Publishing professional and mental health advocate. I write craptastic books. Some people think I'm funny. You should probably be worried about those people.
171 MSWL
18 Tips
Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter. ashane@writershouse.com
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#MSWL nonfiction about the American West. There has to be some characters during that period in history we haven't learned about yet

Shira Hoffman
Literary Agent
Singer, dancer, editor, poet, animal lover, and abuser of exclamation marks! (She/Her)
12 Tips

High concept light SF fast pacing, strong characters, and twist and turns. Even better a genre mashups a la cowboy bebop or Firefly #mswl

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter. ashane@writershouse.com
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#MSWL MG adventure. Ordinary kids placed into extraordinary circumstances, realistic or otherwise - but ideally still on this planet

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
116 MSWL
45 Tips

remember that even if I don't #MSWL, doesn't mean I don't want it! Most of the books I rep weren't on a wish list! They were just awesome!

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

YA or women's fiction about internet friendship that lasts. #MSWL

Molly O'Neill
Literary Agent
Literary agent & builder of bookmakers @RootLiterary . Collector & connector of words + art + people + stories. Shameless sharer of cat pics. @MarquetteU alum.
121 MSWL
2 Tips

A contemporary YA love story that feels EPIC & high-stakes & bigger than just a high school romance, even if chars are in high school. #MSWL

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter. ashane@writershouse.com
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#MSWL non-cop/FBI/military/CIA protagonists in mystery and thriller. Interesting professions a plus.