Literary Agency
"SFF set in/inspired by non-European cultures, preferably #ownvoices." @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
#MSWL #ownvoices MG and YA.

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
And in honor of #MSWL day, I have to revisit this confession: twitter.com/LaurenAbramo/s…Remembered another #MSWL: #ownvoices MG/YA/adult w/ disabled MCs, including novels where disability isn't the focus, esp intersectional.

Literary Agent
#MSWL Would LOVE an #ownvoices YA or MG lacrosse story.

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
Would love more voice-driven intersectional nonfiction on contemporary society (think Rabia Chaudry, Ijeoma Oluo, or Dylan Marron). #MSWLFor my whole #MSWL, eager for #ownvoices stories about marginalized communities AND authors from marginalized communities (OV or not).

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
Very accessible popular science, especially on psychology or neurology. #MSWL#ownvoices stories with Muslim protagonists and/or novels by Muslim authors. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
#MSWL Still/forever looking for this: twitter.com/LaurenAbramo/s…Very eager for #ownvoices trans stories in MG, YA, and adult, including those where the MC's identity is not the central focus. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Looking for crime fic w/under-repped MCs: LGBT, Native American, Latinx, Muslim, Asian all welcome. +1 for female, +1 for #ownvoices #MSWL

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
I will never not be a sucker for novels about friendship, from MG to YA to adult. Also romances with strong friend groups. #MSWLRomance novels with heroes and/or heroines of color, especially #ownvoices. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
Still very much looking for submissions from indigenous/Native/American Indian writers in MG & YA fiction & adult fiction & non. #MSWLAlways looking for #ownvoices #actuallyautistic contemporary fiction in MG, YA, and adult. Adventure/fantasy in MG as well. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Lauren Abramo @LaurenAbramo
Okay, #MSWL Day, here's what I'd love to see: more books by authors from marginalized communities underrepresented in publishing generally!More #ownvoices intersectional queer adult romance, YA, and MG. #MSWL

Literary Agent
I'm also looking for Gillian Flynn/Tana French/Lisa Lutz-esq thrillers, especially written by #ownvoices writers. #MSWL

Literary Agent
#MSWL I want more #ownvoices and diversity on my list.

My #1 #MSWL item right now: #ownvoices chapter book/young MG series featuring POC protagonist, illustrated or with room for illustrations.

Literary Agent
southpaw @nycsouthpaw
Build statues of these men. pic.twitter.com/5ToydKJJF4Historical fiction or mystery, upmarket or literary fiction #ownvoices #mswl twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/st…

Literary Agent
Also in YA and WF Magical Realism #ownvoices and a touch of magic a la Alice Hoffman. #MSWL

Literary Agent
I hope this goes without saying by now, but: #ownvoices /marginalized voices/ underrepresented voices #MSWL

Literary Agent
Absolutely #ownvoices, but looking for stories of ALL kinds from marginalized writers. #MSWL #YA #MG

Literary Agent
I am always on the lookout for #ownvoices books for any age, in any genre #wndb #MSWL