Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL I’m also always on the look out for:
✨genre mixing projects!
✨gap area projects!

These are books that do fun things w/genre boundaries and/or hit "gap" areas of the market: voice-y lower MG, adventurous (or romantic) upper MG/lower YA, upper YA & New Adult.

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL I’d love some fun, voice-y school dramas both MG and YA. Kids scheming things, kids getting away with things, kids having adventures on fieldtrips gone awry!

And I'm happy to look at projects with unusual formats like The Tapper Twins series.

Shari Maurer
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Stringer Literary and Local Group Lead for @MomsDemand Rockland County, NY. The best days include ice cream.

WRITERS! New #MSWL w/ a few changes. Still looking for Adult NF (lifestyle, parenting, sports, current events, etc) and YA/MG/PB, but expanding YA/MG to fantasy and still including dystopian/sci-fi/horror/contemporary. Make me laugh, make me sob! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shari-maurer/

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
953 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Alrighty, that's all the graphics I have made right now. Remember, these can be MG or YA or in graphic novel form, and marginalized voices are welcome to run with these ideas as well. I actually think some of these might be better explored through those lens!

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
953 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

This next one is a #IYKYK type #MSWL : I love that British narration style--almost Neil Gaiman-esque feel--that features quirky shops. Id' love to see an MG or YA with elements like this.

Catherine Ross
Literary Agent
Fantasy Writer ✨. Lover of all things paranormal. Lawyer. Literary Agent Apprentice with @corvisierolit

Hi everyone!! I am open to queries starting today! 🥳🥳

Below are some themes and genres that I’m particularly looking for right now. Im so excited to read your stories!

Alyza Liu
🌙 刘天舒 • editor @simonkids & @simonteen , opinions mine • 中EN都OK • spicy chip enthusiast, emoji connoisseur, 可盐可甜 • she/her/他; be unassimilable

i feel like i've said this before but i will say again that i would love a YA or MG historical fiction set during the AIDS epidemic! #mswl

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Would love some nouveau riche casts in material too! Probably most interested in international settings for Adult work, though happy to see U.S. settings too especially in YA.

MG, YA, NA/Adult welcome. Genre mixing or SFF w/same vibes welcome! Would love BIPOC casts!

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

Basic summary of what I'm currently acquiring:
✔️MG & YA (all genres)
✔️GN for kids w/illustrator attached
✔️Adult/NA romcom/romcom adjacent
✔️Adult/NA romantasy
✔️Adult/NA SFF w/ strong romance
✔️Narrative NF in History only

And I usually acquire commercial material.


Alex Grana
Literary Agent
writer. jd. horror lover. associate literary agent w/ corvisiero literary agency. she/her

Hi, all! I’m open to queries again starting today! Here are some specifics about what I’m on the hunt for but you can read my longer wishlist (and access my query form!) here: corvisieroagency.com/alexandra-grana.html

Morgan Wilson
Literary Agent
SFF Author. Enby. ND. Demi. @belcastr Agent Apprentice. Host/VA for @itsallinthecard podcast. They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 Layout @ana_scribe

MG SciFi: I would love something set on a space station or space ship or set hundreds of years into the future! Kids exploring new worlds a la the Robinsons is a big yes!

MG Mystery: I am open to this genre so long as it is blended with one of the other genres above! 5/

Morgan Wilson
Literary Agent
SFF Author. Enby. ND. Demi. @belcastr Agent Apprentice. Host/VA for @itsallinthecard podcast. They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 Layout @ana_scribe

MG Fantasy: I honestly really love it all, but am really wanting a magic school with diverse cast and magical creatures (esp dragons!!)

MG Horror: Again I love it all, but would love a summer camp setting, haunted house/school, monster hunters and sentient natural settings 4/

Morgan Wilson
Literary Agent
SFF Author. Enby. ND. Demi. @belcastr Agent Apprentice. Host/VA for @itsallinthecard podcast. They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 Layout @ana_scribe

I am focused on representing marginalized voices. I will not ask you to identify unless you feel comfortable doing so, but I am dedicated to uplifiting those voices and want my client list to reflect that.

I'm only looking for Adult, YA and MG. I'll go through each below 3/

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Here are the main differences in my MSWL from last year:

-In the MG space, I'm only now open to upper MG (protagonists 12+)

-Open more to contemporary fantasy, less to genre fantasy

-Open less to PBs with animal casts

-Narrower parameters on historical and dystopian

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

*NEW: In both MG & YA, I learned over my first year that I'm almost always a better fit for contemporary fantasy than I am for genre fantasy.

Still happy to consider fantasy if you think I'm a strong fit for other reasons, but this is something I want to be forthright about!

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

YA and MG contemporary fantasy: My second love! I’m interested in the same topics, and will look foremost for lyrical writing and character focus, with unique but very grounded magic systems. Comp: THE NATURE OF WITCHES by Rachel Griffin.

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

YA and upper MG contemporary continue to be my first priority! Lyrical prose, novels-in-verse, “dark and gritty,” “issue-driven,” character-driven, voice-y. I want to feature LGBTQIA+ voices, BIPOC voices, disability and chronic illness, mental health and neurodivergence, grief.

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

In my first year, I took on two extraordinary clients (@k_dishmon and Nicole Zelniker, who are unequivocally the best) for their beautiful YA novels. I'm still actively seeking YA, as well as upper MG, and am sparingly open to picture books.

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

I'm a queer, chronically ill, disabled junior agent at McIntosh & Otis. I’m acquiring (in order of priority) YA, MG, and PB.

I studied English, literary criticism, poetry, and creative writing.

I look very flowery and sunshiny above, but I also love the hard, sad books!

Morgan Hughes
Literary Agent
Associate Agent @FinePrintLit 📚 Diet Coke Obsessed🥤 she/her

BIG NEWS 🚨 I'm now using QueryManager!! Please send me your stories using the link below😁If you previously used our submissions email, you do not have to resubmit!!

Query Me: QueryManager.com/morganhughes