Assistant Editor
Agents! I am eager for new, exciting acquisitions and I updated my #mswl to prove it! Check out what I’m looking for here (spoiler alert: subversive horror, witty rom coms, & unique genre mash-ups): manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/alis…

Literary Agent
MG and YA:
-mysteries, family dramas, tearjerkers w happy endings (especially autumn- and holiday-centric this time of year!)
-more BIPOC in the great outdoors
-really strong voices with messy feelings

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Young heists, mysteries, detectives, assassins. Middle grade or YA necromancers, supernatural hunters, and kids who get revenge

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
i'm finally open to queries! check out what I want here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kati… on #MSWL and query me here: querymanager.com/query/2696

Literary Agency
"I'd love to see more YA or MG illustrated nonfiction or graphic novels about women’s rights, reproductive health, and adjacent topics (pop culture included)."
@readbystephanie #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"Seeking luscious sci-fi and fantasy middle grade like THE GIRL WHO DRANK THE MOON by Kelly Barnhill, and DRAGON PEARL by Yoon Ha Lee."
@agentvicente #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"I am on the hunt for nonfiction in MG. Show me glimpses of history that haven't been taught to younger students before, collections of pieces, anthologies."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

D.B. Gee—Querying Speculative Fantasy! @DBGeeWrites
@featherfully Hi Feather! I took a peek at the website for the publishers in your bio but didn't see YA as an age range. You liked one of my pitches (thank you 🥹🥹), so I'm hoping to confirm you are interested in acquiring YA stories. Thank you!Hey D.B.! Oh gosh, that's strange. But YES—Atheneum publishes picture books, MG, YA, and graphic novels within the S&S Children's group. My specific #MSWL lives here, if you want to check it out: featherflores.com/mswl/. Any questions, give me a shout! (& ahh your pitch is 🔥🔥)

Literary Agent
Emily S. Keyes @esc_key
Just heard about #PitBLK today. Everyone welcome to query me if they think I am a good fit (info: keyesagency.com/submissions/). Desperate to fall in love with something right now!
Literary Agent

Literary Agency

Hi book nerds 💜 Huzzah! My #MSWL is now officially live! Agented authors and creators, feel free to share this with your agent. Unfortunately for those in the query trenches, I'm unable to accept unagented submissions...I leave you with a catdog 🐱🐶
My updated #MSWL is live. I'd love to add some great new clients (to join my existing great clients❤️) and dig into projects together! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jen-…

Literary Agency

Literary Agency
"I'd love to find a MG or YA graphic novel that is related to fashion design or sewing in some way."
@adriamgoetz #MSWL

Literary Agent
#MSWL: #ChildrensBooks send me yr #GraphicNovel projects, from high-concept to literary, or middle grade with visual elements. Something with heart & humor. See Remy Lai's Pie in the Sky as a good comp. Also enjoyed Witches of Brooklyn & Pilau of the Woods as GN comps.