Literary Agent
Hi #writingcommunity! I have 9 middle-grade queries in my box right now. I WANT MORE.
Adventure, Fantasy, sci-fi, magical realism, horror, historical, everything!
Also, I am open to considering non-fiction middle-grade novels, especially LGBTQ+ and STEM for girls. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Jordan Coombe @Jordan_Coombe
A herd of elephants marched 12 hours to the house of Lawrence Anthony after he died – the man who saved them. They stayed there silent for two days.Exactly one year after his death, to the day, the herd marched to his house again. It is something that science cannot explain.
#MSWL MG or YA magical realism exploring elephants’ special connection to death and the afterlife/ghosts/life energy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Where's all the YA southern gothic, gothic, magical realism queries? #mswl #amquerying #writingcommunity #YA
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis, literary agent @NaomisLitPix
#MSWL Some of my favorite adult fantasy and sci fi titles:THE TETHERED MAGE by Melissa Caruso, PLANETFALL by Emma Newman, PRIEST OF BONES by Peter McLean, THE POPPY WAR by R.F. Kuang, and STORY OF YOUR LIFE/ARRIVAL by Ted Chiang.
#MSWL as you can see by the above list, I love sharp twisty politics, bizarre aliens and worlds, unreliable narrators, vicious political/criminal entities, tightly-woven character narratives that shock me in the end, and frightening, unique manifestations of magic.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
And as promised... my #MSWL is now live here! >>> <<<
Will we be a good match??? I hope so!
- #OwnVoices magical realism, reimagined folk tales, and sweeping, character-driven adventures
- Literary, contemporary stories about tween female friendship and the ins and outs of tweendom (if that’s a word)
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Related to heists/con artists! Would love something with White Cat vibes. aka one of the best novels ever. So twisty. So good. Excellent magic system #mswl
Literary Agent
Diana Gill @dianagill
Fun, enchanting magical realism with multi-generational appeal like NATALIE TAN'S BOOK OF LOVE AND FORTUNE. #MSWLForever same. This book is one of my favs #MSWL