Literary Agency
"Literary fiction that takes you into small worlds and communities where I'm an outsider. A glimpse inside a complex family, or a workplace." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Abby Saul @BookySaul
It's the final countdown, #WritingCommunity! I'll be closed to queries starting next week, so get them in now! Otherwise I'll look forward to reading in 2020.…#MSWL is always adult fiction (particularly women's, mysteries, thrillers, historical, and select literary) that is doing something new. Underexplored settings, unusual characters, turning tropes on their head - gimme!
Literary Agent
I hadn't updated my actual #MSWL page since starting the new agency, but I did so today--if you're interested, you can find a more detailed discussion of what I'm looking for in submitted projects this coming year here:…
Assistant Editor
My #MSWL is now live!…
Literary Agency
"Romance, Literary, Commercial, Suspense, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL
Literary Agency
“For me, literary fiction lives and dies in its characters and writing, send me your complex, diverse characters grappling with what it means to be human something in the vein of Tom Rachman’s THE IMPERFECTIONISTS.” @maureen_moretti #MSWL
Literary Agent
And as promised... my #MSWL is now live here! >>> <<<
Will we be a good match??? I hope so!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
- #OwnVoices magical realism, reimagined folk tales, and sweeping, character-driven adventures
- Literary, contemporary stories about tween female friendship and the ins and outs of tweendom (if that’s a word)
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Women who aren't what you expect, who have strong or indelible (not necessarily likable) voices. Again, in lit fic or commercial women's fiction; also YA and MG. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Amy Cloughley @AmyCloughley
Dropping into #mswl with a thread about what I'm looking for now.I would love to see an immersive 1900s historical novel that takes the reader into the life of a familiar historical figure. Can be commercial, upmarket or literary e.g. The Swans of Fifth Avenue or Euphoria. #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'm looking for genre-blending literary fiction, stories that give us something magical or speculative alongside prose that stirs up FEELINGS.
Perfect examples: The Night Circus by @erinmorgenstern, Here & Now & Then by @mikechenwriter, Station Eleven by @EmilyMandel. #MSWL