Literary Agent
I re-open to queries today and am really looking forward to seeing your Adult and YA projects in the areas of contemporary,romance,psychological thrillers, diverse and #ownvoices ( for full list visit website). #writers #amwriting #amediting
Literary Agency
“Graphic Novels: contemporary young adult and middle grade, graphic memoirs, graphic nonfiction.” @msmariavicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kelly is OPEN to Queries @LitAgentKelly
Good Morning! I am OPEN to queries for 2020, which means it's time to do a #MSWL thread! 2020, I am mostly looking for Middle Grade (Upper) and Adult stories! This includes MG Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Contemporary, and Historical or any mix of the above! It also includes Adult Contemporary Romance and Adult Fantasy and any mix of the two! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Tara🔮✨closed to queries. @Literary_Tara
🎉I'm OPEN for queries!!!🎉So it's time for a fresh #mswl thread.
For Young Adult, I am really craving the following:
- Fun Historicals like A LADY'S GUIDE
- Best friend stories/platonic love stories.
- Contemporaries that make me cry.
- A YA Killing Eve!
- Stories for young YA (14 and 15-year-olds).
- As always diverse voices.
Literary Agent
The query inbox at @PSLiterary opens on Monday, and I’m so excited to add new clients to my list in 2020.
Representation info and my updated #mswl is at the link below. Let me know if you have any questions.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Stephanie Stein @stephlystein
At the top of my #MSWL this year: AMBITION. I'm looking for books that take big swings at big feelings and bigger questions, with writing that makes me stop in my tracks and whisper, holy $%!*. Let's do this, 2020.SAME. I would love to find big, ambitious YA and MG -- whether contemporary, fantasy, historical, you name it! #MSWL
Mongrels (@SGJ72), A Head Full of Ghosts (@paulGtremblay), When We Were Animals (Joshua Gaylord): Coming of age stories with monsters as metaphors, monsters inside of us, cleverly subverted horror tropes with contemporary twists. #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
MSWL for 2020: AKA, What I’d Like to See in My Agent Inbox! #mswl…