So many great pitches on #PitMad today! If you are a literary agent who snagged some good proposals, keep me and @AndrewJDeYoung at @BeamingBooksMN in mind. Here's a list of some of the topics/themes I'm currently interested in: naomikrueger.com/2019/09/05/msw… #MSWL #kidlit #PB #MG
No ❤️ from me today? Check out my #mswl and query me anyway!
Eliza Swift @elizaswift
Recently finished watching Love Alarm on Netlix and boooo hissss that ending but also #MSWL, I want a YA in that vein!“That vein” = exploring the way technology impacts our lives in an interesting new way. If your YA novel could be described as “like Black Mirror but fluffy,” I want to see it.
Dana Murphy @manadurphy
some #mswl hopes after losing a book I loved dearly (but ended up at a wonderful home!): give me your big hearted rom coms, give me your novels that feel like the best fan fiction, give me your F/F love stories!!!!, give me your happy endings with just enough angst in the middle.Basically this entire thread, but for me. 😂 #MSWL (agented only)
Nivia Evans @NiviaEvans
Hi Universe,It's me. I know I ask for a lot of things, but could you be kind enough to send me a ms about black women who are witches that isn't steeped in black pain but is about a community coming together or a woman falling in love or something full of joy.
K, thnx #mswl
Co-signing this request, but for YA and MG!
I can't deny that fall is coming because I just added ghosts to my #mswl (in addition to romps, romance, and dark fantasy). 'Tis the season! nicolefiorica.wordpress.com/mswl/
beth phelan (closed to unsolicited queries) @beth_phelan
i feel like there is all this anxiety surrounding agents' mswl's because i think it can feel like a "skip the line" opportunity, and in some ways it is, but ultimately i think a lot of us are also looking to be surprised and find something in our inbox we hadn't thought of yet.This applies to editors too: I don't always know what I want to acquire until I read it. If a ms doesn't fit my exact wishlist, a submitting author/agent shouldn't be concerned. I'm most excited by fresh ideas that surprise me. The only limitation is if we pub that genre.
I'm super jonesing for more F/F romance in my submissions inbox right now, just FYI. #MSWL
If someone has a novel submission that's as visceral and beautiful and hopeful as #TheOA / @The_OA, please send my way. #MSWL #savetheOA #renewtheOA #TheOAisReal