Hanna Alkaf @yesitshanna
5yo is currently formulating theories for what the tooth fairy does with all those teeth. His current theory is that the fairies eat them.I look forward to his career in spec fic.
hello yes i would like to read this weird and creepy story about a society of fey folk who subsist on human teeth #mswl
41 Strange @41Strange
Christ of the Abyss statue in Key Largo, Florida pic.twitter.com/ymTE03slfjThere is definitely someone out there writing science fiction or fantasy with this exact aesthetic, and I WANT IT. #mswl
A.K. Larkwood @AKLarkwood
4. it's a story about someone who likes to categorise things meeting someone who resists categorisation, and i do always love a failure of taxonomythis is both a perfect description of a book I’ve already loved & acquired (@emilytesh_uk’s Silver in the Wood, which is out this very week) & the type of manuscript I will ALWAYS go for. romance as a failure of taxonomy, yes please. #mswl
please, may i have a whole book abou suffrajiujitsu? #mswl
Hello, I would love a picture book about Boaty McBoatface and its contributions to climate change research! #MSWL telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/06/1…
Jessica Sinsheimer @jsinsheim
New ManuscriptWishList.com profiles from @NolanPolly @CallMePog @samanthashnh @SarahHomerReads @maureen_moretti + more! #MSWLmanuscriptwishlist.com/find-agentsedi…
Want an email when new profiles go up (and pretty much only then since I'm so busy)? Subscribe here: eepurl.com/b83sCL
Isaac Fitzgerald🤞🏻🖤 @IsaacFitzgerald
You CANNOT convince me that this dude isn't actually the Loch Ness monster in human form, who surfaces every so often to poke around and go "Yup, still no sign of ol' Nessy" before quietly returning to the water and transforming back into his original shape deep beneath the waves twitter.com/DannyDutch/sta…Holy #MSWL
Isaac Fitzgerald🤞🏻🖤 @IsaacFitzgerald
You CANNOT convince me that this dude isn't actually the Loch Ness monster in human form, who surfaces every so often to poke around and go "Yup, still no sign of ol' Nessy" before quietly returning to the water and transforming back into his original shape deep beneath the waves twitter.com/DannyDutch/sta…#MSWL this is the shapeshifter content we need
Jeannette Ng 吳志麗 @jeannette_ng
Someone please write a ghost story/ murder mystery set during the 3-day long lock-ins of the civil service exams of the Ming dynasty.Three days of exams on moral philosophy & poetry and not being allowed out til its all graded.
I need this. breakfast club meets agatha christie in the ming dynasty. #MSWL