Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
In Adult Thrillers & Mystery #MSWL I'm partial to:
- Female driven & #ownvoices
- Literary-esque OR super voicey commerical prose
- Fresh ideas and new takes welcome but it must fit the typical plot structure for these categories - if you don't know what those are, look it up.
Literary Agent
Anne Tibbets @AnneTibbets
It's been a while since I've done a #MSWL and I try not to b/c honestly, sometimes I don't know what I want until I see it - but I know some of y'all find these useful so here goes...In Adult SFF #MSWL I'm partial to:
- Fresh twists & unique concepts
- I love all kinds: dystopia, post apoc, space opera, high fantasy, low, magical realism, urban, etc - but it HAS to be different than what's already out there.
- Mash ups and new takes most welcome
- #ownvoices
Literary Agent
If you're thinking about querying me, check it out!!
#writing #writingcommunity #amquerying #amediting #amwriting
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis, literary agent @NaomisLitPix
• Fresh, complex aduly fantasy! I do not want to see fae, elves, or other commonly-utilized fantasy creatures. Show me characters realizing their world is way, way bigger (maybe magically?) Than they realized. Bring me intense relationships here. Family drama. FANTASY CLOTHES.Ignoring the typo... this is always on my wishlist for adult fantasy!!! Also: women with magic of all ages and stages of life, beautiful&interactive fantasy settings, rich cultural influence, and surprising new applications of magic or fantasy elements. #MSWL 1/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
In speculative fiction I’d like to see more climate-related books. Just learned about popping shrimp. Crazy. Books like Dry for adult audiences. #queryme #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis, literary agent @NaomisLitPix
• Adult sci fi! I need, like, an EXTREMELY energetic space opera. I want a sensory explosion in space, an enemy so frightening I get nightmares, that I'll come to understand and hopefully empathize with, too. Show me how the characters misunderstood their whole universe.Would really, really love to see this in my query box! #mswl
Literary Agent
*UPDATED #MSWL* I made a lot of changes to what I'm looking for, so check out the link and send me your queries!…
Literary Agent
Becca Podos @RebeccaPodos
#MSWL A YA book that fits on the shelf with PRACTICAL MAGIC, THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE or THE ENCHANTED CHOCOLATE POT. But gay.FYI this #MSWL is evergreen, but now I'll take your adult versions, too 🙏🏼
Literary Agent
Tara Gilbert 🔮✨ @Literary_Tara
Can I get a LGBTQIA+ sports romance? Especially if the sporty one is a lady, trans, or nonbinary. This is for adult, YA, and I'd take upper MG (even if it isn't romance). Thanks! #mswlEsports count too!! Give me gamers! Heck, I'll take hetero in that. #mswl
Literary Agent
Assistant Editor
Looking for own voices books that explore BIPOC interracial relationships! They can be adult/YA romcoms, or any genre you can think of! I’d love to see more! #MSWL