Abby Saul
Literary Agent
agent at The Lark Group (@LarkWords), reader of books, hiker of trails | she/her
8 Queries
70 Tips

Catch-all #mswl: Adult mystery/thrillers, book club/upmarket, women's, historical, & contemporary fiction. Make me laugh and cry, transport me to someone else's life, surprise me. Some faves are here, come join them on my shelf:…

Queries reopen 12/1!

Julie Fergusson
Literary Agent
Literary agent with @northlitagency .

Accessible literary and upmarket reading group. Beautiful writing with something to say. A novel that digs into an issue or theme and introduces me to nuanced, unforgettable characters, all structured around a plot that keeps me turning the pages. #mswl

Margot Belet
Literary Agent
Berlin-based literary agent | Looking for English- and Dutch-language popular fiction (fantasy, detective fiction, romance, nature nonfiction 🦕) | she/her

#amquerying authors: I'm dying to find the perfect Cosy Fantasy (Comp: T.J. Klune) and/or the nerdiest, puzzle-or footnote-filled upmarket Literary Fantasy (Comp: R.F. Kuang's BABEL). Send similar manuscripts my way! 😍 #MSWL (PS: Animals are a plus! 🐧)

Laura Southern
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @WolfLiterary • SFF Writer • Musician • #AMM • Likes nature magic, feminism, and villains • Rep: @ChelseaBigBang

For Adult: I’m also interested in romcoms, fantasy romcoms, and upmarket fiction. I love books set in the South with queer narrators, and I gravitate toward sharp, witty prose. 💖

Maria Cardona Serra
Literary Agent
Literary agent at Aevitas Creative Management. Islander. Wanderer. Opinions my own.

2. Upmarket fiction: expansive family saga, modern-love, heart-wrenching character driven novels. Think Pachinko, Homegoing, Lucky Girl, The Hundred Wells of Salaga. #MSWL

Maria Cardona Serra
Literary Agent
Literary agent at Aevitas Creative Management. Islander. Wanderer. Opinions my own.

I would love to find an expansive family saga, upmarket/literary, written in English, but set somewhere that is not the US and not the UK. #MSWL…

Julie Gourinchas
Literary Assistant
she/they 🌿 literary flâneuse @BLM_Agency . 🇫🇷🇺🇸 in 🇬🇧. intellectual (non-practicing). likes: literary fiction, cheap wine, Aragorn II Elessar. views mine.

first, I'm someone who's always been gripped by VOICE, WRITING STYLE, and PROSE. so I'm looking for:

- anything in the book club, upmarket, literary spaces
- lush, poetic writing
- deep and intricate world/lore-building (when applicable)


Jen Chen Tran
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Glass Literary Management. Former art major, publishing attorney, cheese lover, aspiring humorist. @aalitagents and @AuthorsGuild member.
38 AskAgent
38 Tips

#MSWL: My adult #fiction list will be smaller but think upmarket #BookClub fiction or domestic suspense--something that will keep me up at night. Really enjoyed Angie Kim's Miracle Creek. Has to feel #contemporary, braiding together issues of social import & identity.

Alyssa Maltese
Literary Agent
Just happy to be here. | Agent @rootliterary 📚💭

I'm eagerly seeking commercial thrillers, horror, and domestic suspense, as well as upmarket speculative fiction.

In all of these genres, I'm looking for high concept stories with something new to say.

Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder

✨Diverse, inclusive adult literary
✨Literary fiction with speculative elements
✨Upmarket/literary fantasy in the vein of Alix Harrow, V.E. Schwab, or Carlos Ruiz Zafón that explores folklores or mythologies.
Bonus points for stories rooted in multi-generational secrets

Julie Gourinchas
Literary Assistant
she/they 🌿 literary flâneuse @BLM_Agency . 🇫🇷🇺🇸 in 🇬🇧. intellectual (non-practicing). likes: literary fiction, cheap wine, Aragorn II Elessar. views mine.

where oh where is my upmarket/literary retelling of the Tiresias myth from a trans perspective, I will beg for it once a month until it materialises into existence by sheer force of will #mswl

Michelle Lindo Rice
Literary Agent
Lit.Agent @LCSLiterary - AALA and SCBWI member R, WF Author. Editor. AKA @ZoeyMJackson

Excited to announce that September 1st, I'll be a Literary Associate with @OlswangerLiterary and I am open to queries. You can check out my MSWL before submitting.…
#MSWL #literaryagent

Olivia Maidment
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @MMLitAgency | she/her

I am very actively looking for new writers of literary, upmarket, and book club fiction to join my list at the brilliant @MMLitAgency. I'm sharing my wishlist below - I would love to see your work! 📚

#MSWL #amwriting #amquerying…

Ali Lake
Literary Agent
@JanklowNesbit | Queries to
1 Tips

I am open to queries again! Check out my updated #MSWL. Seeking:
⭐️NF: memoir, narrative, pop science, self-help, cookbook
⭐️ F: literary, upmarket, horror, thriller, low-fantasy, high-fantasy adventure
⭐️ YA: low fantasy, rom-com, detectives, creepy…

Margot Belet
Literary Agent
Berlin-based literary agent | Looking for English- and Dutch-language popular fiction (fantasy, detective fiction, romance, nature nonfiction 🦕) | she/her

#MSWL update. To query: send bio, first 50 pages and synopsis to: #amquerying
🧞‍♀️Upmarket speculative fiction with magic realist vibes, comps Alix E. Harrow, Erin Morgenstern.. NO epic fantasy⚔️
🕵️Clever whodunnits with puzzles - comp KNIVES OUT.

Brigitte Dale
Editorial Assistant
Editorial assistant @stmartinspress 📚 I love literary fiction, feminist history, & every dog I meet. Instagram: @brigittesbookshelf

Excited to share my #MSWL today! I'm actively seeking fiction & nonfiction w/ a feminist focus, especially featuring strong voices, smart characters & relevant social/political/historical themes. Agents, let's chat! More details here:…

Jane Chun
Literary Assistant
Lit agent assistant @janklownesbit . Trying to think of what meme most defines me currently.

Hi, #WritingCommunity! At long last, my #MSWL is finally up. 🎉 If you read my wish list and want to query me, please follow the submission guidelines at the bottom of my MSWL page.…

#amwriting #amquerying

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Send me your commercial/upmarket romcoms with exes who cohabitate/co-parent--but where it’s not the exes who get together.” @readbystephanie #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

My areas of expertise are upmarket and literary fiction, women's fiction, mystery, suspense and thriller. I love books w/ strong family focus (found, friends, those you're born with) and home. Even in mystery I love those connections #MSWL

Hannah Strouth
Literary Agent
TN • NYC • associate lit agent @jane_rotrosen • opinions my own • she/her