Literary Agent
Looking for crime/thrillers and contemporary fantasy. Suspense that sneaks up on you. Stories w/ a great twist. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Finally updated my profile on the official #MSWL website. You can see the genres I'm acquiring including a few new ones including horror, suspense/thrillers, science fiction/fantasy, and I'm expanding into YA, MG and some nonfiction.…
Literary Agent
For queriers: I've just updated my #mswl profile with more detail than ever before! (Seriously, SO much detail.) Look over here:…
Literary Agency
"Dark literary mysteries/suspense/thrillers with female lead i.e. DARK PLACES, YOU WILL KNOW ME, THE FEVER, THE POWER" @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agency
"Multi POV, time slip or dual past/present narrative structure women’s fiction, historical, domestic suspense, or upmarket like THE ALICE NETWORK, THE SUBWAY GIRLS." @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
John Cusick @johnmcusick
Hi gang, I'm pretty much caught up on queries, so time for a #MSWL thread:Firstly, middle-grade! Adventure, suspense, quirkiness, heart. @marinacohen, @Qsosnaspear, @anndeeellis, @cmheidicker, @josephinewrites, and @jerameykraatz are some of my MG people, and I'd love to work with more brilliant humans like them. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Want more insight into what I’m looking for and what my favorites are? Check out my post on Manuscript Wish List! #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Goals for 2019 inspired by @NaomisLitPix & @SoCalledYALife
- Stop using "I think" so much
- Help the Agents of @bookendslit achieve their goals
- Rep more psychl suspense & women's fiction--especially diverse & own voices to my list. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
The first few eps of #marvelousmrsmaisel have put me in the mood for a historical novel set in Paris... BUT I want it to have suspense/mystery elements, and lean literary in style. Universe, halp?! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Drooling over some recent deal announcements over here at @bookendslit Congratulations to all authors, agents and editors. I would love to see more fiction with dogs, especially suspense/mystery/thriller #amquerying #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
As the year comes to an end and queries slow I start to think about what I'd like to see come 2019. #MSWL.I'm still looking for domestic suspense and thrillers, aka psychological suspense. I'd especially like stories featuring women in situations that aren't classic husband/wife stories. #MSWL
Leodora Darlington @Leodora_
If I ❤️ your pitch, please submit your manuscript to me at!If you think we might be a good fit, but I haven't spotted your pitch, please still feel free to submit to me. Do mark your sub as 'FAO Leodora Darlington' and include your Twitter pitch #pitmad
Literary Agency
"Dark literary mysteries/suspense/thrillers with female lead i.e. DARK PLACES, YOU WILL KNOW ME, THE FEVER, THE POWER" @carlywatters #MSWL