Shannon Orso
Literary Agent
Co-Founder/Owner of Victress Literary. Taking a modern and immersive approach on a boutique experience. Client advocate and fangirl. Trained by the best.

Seeking suspense and sci-fi with romantic elements! #mswl

Lisa Rodgers
Literary Agent
Knitter, dancer, gamer, NorCal native, word whore, ruiner of dreams. Literary agent with @awfulagent . Opinions are my own. (She/her)
3 Queries
22 Tips

#mswl story about a sex worker that isn't about being redeemed/saved. SFF or contemporary

Tu Books
Tu Books, an imprint of @LEEandLOW , publishes diverse middle grade and YA books set at the point where imagination and real life collide.
1 Tips

Tu Books @tubooks

(I need to update illustrator guidelines w/ graphic novel illustration information, sorry!) #MSWL
Replying to @tubooks

In general, we love MG & YA SFF, mystery & historical fiction that grabs readers & hooks teachers & librarians handing them the books. #MSWL

Mazel Tov Cocktail
Senior EdiTOR at work, book hoarder at home. You're damn right I'm relentless (thoughts are my own). She/her
Jordy Albert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Lover of dogs, books, and tea. Total fangirl. #mugiwarapirates #worldpeace
1 AskAgent
341 Queries
24 Tips

Fun, sexy Regency romance, contemporary romance, and YA sci-fi/fantasy! #MSWL

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Can't hang out in the hashtag today but #MSWL always: adult SF/F (#ownvoices +++), humor&pop culture nonfic w/platform. no YA.

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Black boys and men as the heroes of SFF. Black boys and men as the heroes of romance. Black boys and men as the heroes of ALL genres #MSWL

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

In sci-fi, I'm open to tech-y universes, non-superhero or "power" universes, & craving a new sci-fi interpretation of Herland! #mswl

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Sci-Fi is great, but make sure you've had a super intense editor. it's all in the details! #mswl

Heather Howland
When it’s dark, look for stars. Product Manager. Editor.
1 Tips

#MSWL Near future YA sci-fi w/ a swoony romance. AI or similar that’s unnerving and a little too close for comfort.

John Cusick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and SVP with Folio Literary Management / Folio Jr. Author of the DIMENSION WHY series. He / him. Temporarily closed to queries as of 07/01/2022.
4 AskAgent
7 Tips

#MSWL Also fresh, action-packed YA fantasy and sci-fi, and quirky, adventurous MG a la Mr. Lemoncello's Library.

Evan Gregory
Literary Agent
Seeking authors, dispensing nuggets of publishing advice, correcting your query etiquette, & bng yet N-other nodal . on a ntwrk dvted 2 stfling my vrbsty.

Space mafia. I want Mario Puzo meets James S.A. Corey. You know, a guy messes up, he goes for a ride, and maybe falls out an airlock. #MSWL

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

SciFi (MG, YA, A) is tricky. NO: hard SciFi that needs a science degree to understand it. YES: light SciFi with cool tech & new worlds #MSWL

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

Do you have historical YA, romance, or SFF? Is it set in a place/time not often written about? #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

SFF with worldbuilding with highly logical and fresh elements that shape who your character is #MSWL

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

Literary F and SF. Cinematic action/adventure SF. #MSWL

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

SF/F based on African folklore/mythology, or set in an African-based world. #MSWL

Valerie Noble
Literary Agent
Senior Agent @donaghyliterary
36 AskAgent
11 Queries
7 Tips

Science fiction that explores what the world looks like tomorrow, along the lines of Station Eleven #MSWL

Deborah Nemeth
Fey editrix, history geek, armchair sleuth, hobbit matriarch. She/her.
12 Tips