Literary Agency
Retweeted Cassian Hall (@CassianHall):
#MSWL I'd love to see more enchanting beautifully crafted children's books, with humour
Literary Agency
Retweeted Cassian Hall (@CassianHall):
#MSWL Alternate reality fantasy - our world but not as we know it
Literary Agency
"Middle Grade with the heart (& environmental focus) of Wall-E.” @msmariavicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL Historical novel/series a la GIRL WAITS WITH GUN based on the life of reporter Clare Hollingworth:…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Melissa Edwards @MelissaLaurenE
A new YA true crime imprint at S&S? YAS.…So, clearly, YA true crime NF #MSWL in a big way
Literary Agency
"Science fiction that explores both the future & the past of the world w/strong characters." @kurestinarmada #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Now that I'm open to queries for 2017, here's what I'm hoping to see #query #writing #MSWL…
Literary Agent
(Very high on my) #MSWL - #ownvoices YA and MG fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, humor.
Literary Agent
#MSWL - YA fantasy with a standout premise & unique world building.… #amquerying
Literary Agent
#MSWL - middle grade adventure with edge-of-your-seat plotting and lots of heart and humor.… #amquerying
Literary Agent
#MSWL - realistic middle grade; bonus points for bittersweet stories!… #amquerying
Literary Agent
#MSWL -- scary middle grade! I'm particularly eager to add more MG to my list this year & love a good, spooky tale.…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL - epistolary YA novels and novels that play with format, including YA with illustrations. #amquerying
Literary Agent
If you are querying #ownvoices #YA #Fantasy, I want to read! #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL - ambitious YA! Stories with a strong point of view and that take narrative risks.…