Jessica Sinsheimer
Literary Agent
Context Literary Agency
Ravenous reader, lazy gourmet, literary agent + cheese-obsessed human. Co-creator of #MSWL, Manuscript Wish List® + ☕📚She/her.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jessica Sinsheimer @jsinsheim
I realize this is super specific, but that's what #MSWL is for!I'd love a middle grade that plays with how we can never be 100% sure what others are thinking--and, if it comes with something like an objective social interpretation machine, all the better.
In fact, I tend to love characters who find an objective way to interpret the things humans can never fully understand. If this goes with the last tweet, great! If not, still here for this. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jessica Sinsheimer @jsinsheim
Jen has been a director, actor, dancer, theater critic, dramaturg, + musician. She can play piano, mandolin, recorder, violin, bodhrán, bouzouki--+ she can sing, too. She owns (+ operates) a rapier, stiletto, swords, throwing knives, dirks, bo staffs, nunchucks, + a pair of sai.She was voted by her doctoral cohort to be most likely to survive the apocalypse. Listen, and you'll see why.
You can see Jen's full #MSWL here:… and stream the episode for free here:… or download on iTunes:…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Kristen Schroeder @KLSchroed
@jsinsheim #mswl?I mean, yeah, I love pigeons! I would be totally into a picture book about smart city pigeons doing human things. #MSWL