Literary Assistant
Literary Assistant
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Literary Mystery & Thrillers (Night Film, Dark Places). Domestic Suspense." @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
I've had a manifesto building about why I do this agenting thing. Today's the day to share it. need revolutionary books. Thank you, Hannah #mswl…
Literary Agent
We need diverse books now more than ever. Send me your YA with LGBT, POC, and marginalized groups. #MSWL
#MSWL A romance heroine modeled after bestselling cookbook author and baker Lorraine Pascale. @lorrainepascale
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
More than ever, I want diverse submissions. #OwnVoices. Books that tackle the patriarchy. Books that speak truth to power. #MSWL
Literary Assistant
the slow unraveling of a family secret, please and thanks. #mswl #distractmefromthemadness
Literary Agency
"New Adult, send me your awkward romances and your bold new ideas." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agency
"Historical #MG with a magical twist (ex: The Boundless)." @MsMariaVicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
This whole tumblr is my #MSWL.…P.S. If someone wants to write me SF with the otherworldly creepy beauty of FORBIDDEN PLANET but without the sexism, that'd be great. #MSWL
Literary Agent
This whole tumblr is my #MSWL.…
Literary Agent
The Book Witch @KatRushall
One dream project of mine is an #ownvoices nonfiction PB on Standing Rock. I want to hear & help share these voices, history, activism #MSWLI'LL FIGHT YOU FOR IT. Though chap book or mg would be good as well. #MSWL
Literary Assistant
With Gilmore Girls soon coming back to my netflix screen, I'm craving witty banter and deep mother/daughter ties #MSWL #Happymonday
Literary Agency
Heist/con story, YA or adult! Preferably with an interesting ensemble cast & friendship focus @kurestinarmada #MSWL
Literary Agency
"Non-fic like Jim Collins GOOD TO GREAT, Susan Cain's QUIET & Charles Duhigg's THE POWER OF HABIT" @curtisPSLA #MSWL