P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"I want novels about dysfunctional families. Extra bonus points if they're wealthy (think HBO's Succession) because, let's face it, reading about rich people in trouble is fun. Super extra bonus points if there's an immigrant angle."
@ceciliaclyra #MSWL

Annie Cronin Romano
Literary Agent
Writer of PB/MG/adult fiction; Literary Associate at Olswanger Lit; Bookseller, Boston girl, loves dogs/chocolate. SCBWI; BEFORE YOU SLEEP; NIGHT TRAIN

Writers: I am now closed to submissions to catch up on queries and requested materials. If you're considering querying me, please keep an eye on #MSWL & #QueryTracker for updates on when I'll reopen.

Corvisiero Agency
Literary Agency
New York City Boutique Literary Agency where Amazing Authors find Professional Literary Representation.
16 Tips

Micah has now also opened her own query box, and authors may submit to her directly! Check out the link below to see her updated #MSWL and querying info.

Got a #YA contemporary story with messy relationships? Send it to her!


Nina Leon
Literary Agent
Associate Agent: @perez_literary MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/nina… QM: QueryManager.com/NinaLeon Editing: nina-rachel-leon.co.za

Fourth Wing, and Once Upon a Broken Heart.
💀Horror is something I'm exploring more of right now. The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor are the two best comps for me.

😊For YA, I'm looking for JOY and comin of age stories ! Something similar to Heartstopper

Nina Leon
Literary Agent
Associate Agent: @perez_literary MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/nina… QM: QueryManager.com/NinaLeon Editing: nina-rachel-leon.co.za

I've been seeing some great queries lately! But I've also noticed a few gaps. Here's a brief #MSWL 🧵 for what I'm focusing on right now

✨Romantasy - My forever favourite. I enjoy all the usual themes, but I'm searching for a unique hook. Comps would be One Dark Window, ACOTAR,

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Looking for nonfiction like Joseph McCormack's BRIEF: MAKE A BIGGER IMPACT BY SAYING LESS."
Curtis Russell #MSWL


P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips
Andie Smith
Literary Agent
Junior Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit | @aalitagents Developmental Editor Sun & Spines | @wildinkpub Young Adult Author LUCKY ENOUGH | COVALENCE
Sheyla Knigge
Literary Agent
{she/her} @aalitagents literary agent, writer, reader, calendar coordinator, mother, wife of @palemoonboy .

I’m opening to queries soon and I’m really craving a graphic novel in the vein of Over the Garden Wall or Hilda #MSWL

Michelle Lindo Rice
Literary Agent
Lit.Agent @LCSLiterary - AALA and SCBWI member querymanager.com/query/LCSLiteraryServices R, WF Author. Editor. AKA @ZoeyMJackson

📢📢📢#Amquerying folks, I am now reviewing queries at QueryManager.com/LCSLiterarySerteraryServices. If you submitted to me under the old box, I am still reviewing, no worries. Still seeking to build my list and open to clients. #MSWL #WritersCommunity

Victoria Doherty-Munro
Literary Agent
junior agent at Writers House//critics rave: sometimes, I think you forget you're a person!
Pam Gruber
Literary Agent
Literary agent and word nerd. See also: avid window shopper, skilled pie maker, amateur DnD player, and crazy cat lady. QueryManager.com/Pam_Gruber
Julie Crisp
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Represents a bunch of fabulous authors. My #MSWL is https://manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/julie-crisp/
vanessa aguirre
Assistant Editor
🇲🇽🇨🇴 assistant editor @wednesdaybooks /@stmartinspress, fiction editor @strangehorizons , LxP mentorship co-director

i won't have time to look through #LatinxPitch as much as i want to, but throwing it out there that i'm always looking for Latine stories and always love to see them 🫶

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Dipping into #Latinx Pitch today, if I ❤️ your pitch, I’ll comment on how to query. But I will miss things, and I always welcome work from #Latinx creators in my inbox, and I’m open to queries in general. Just check my #mswl to see if we’re a match. evascalzo.com/MSWL

Ivan Taurisano
Assistant Editor
Associate Editor, Children’s @abramsbooks #Kidlit #Editor 🇮🇹➡️🇺🇸

I’m so excited for #LatinxPitch 🤩
I will ❤️ #PB and #MG pitches. Here’s a link to my #MSWL with guidelines and contact info: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/ivan-taurisano/

John Baker
Literary Agent
Enthusiastic Agent at @BLM_Agency : Likes SFF&H and anything Boris wouldn't, Welsh Rugby, Indie bands I heard about way later than you. He/Him. Opinions mine.

Also, cosy romantasy is always a vibe, but let's see some cosy sci-fi: low stakes, high heart, possibly in space! 🚀

Comp me WALL-E! #amwriting

John Baker
Literary Agent
Enthusiastic Agent at @BLM_Agency : Likes SFF&H and anything Boris wouldn't, Welsh Rugby, Indie bands I heard about way later than you. He/Him. Opinions mine.

I'd also love to see #ownvoices Latin-America-inspired mythological fantasy. It could be contemporary, historical, or a fresh retelling.

Anything featuring my favourite animal gets bonus attention.


John Baker
Literary Agent
Enthusiastic Agent at @BLM_Agency : Likes SFF&H and anything Boris wouldn't, Welsh Rugby, Indie bands I heard about way later than you. He/Him. Opinions mine.

Hello, a quick #thread blast on about my current #mswl ,

I'm looking out for some commercial genre-bending speculative fic, aka crime, romance, or thriller with a unique uncanny edge.



Jenissa Graham
Literary Agent
Associate Agent & Subrights Manager @bookendslit 📚 | introvert with extrovert potential | Rep: @author_analieze | All views & shenanigans are my own | she/her