Literary Agency
"I want novels about dysfunctional families. Extra bonus points if they're wealthy (think HBO's Succession) because, let's face it, reading about rich people in trouble is fun. Super extra bonus points if there's an immigrant angle."
@ceciliaclyra #MSWL
Literary Agent
Writers: I am now closed to submissions to catch up on queries and requested materials. If you're considering querying me, please keep an eye on #MSWL & #QueryTracker for updates on when I'll reopen.
Literary Agency
Micah has now also opened her own query box, and authors may submit to her directly! Check out the link below to see her updated #MSWL and querying info.
Got a #YA contemporary story with messy relationships? Send it to her!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Looking for nonfiction like Joseph McCormack's BRIEF: MAKE A BIGGER IMPACT BY SAYING LESS."
Curtis Russell #MSWL
Literary Agency
"I want unique cookbook concepts by BIPOC bloggers."
@carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
📢📢📢#Amquerying folks, I am now reviewing queries at If you submitted to me under the old box, I am still reviewing, no worries. Still seeking to build my list and open to clients. #MSWL #WritersCommunity
Literary Agent
Ex Beyonce Fan @kingbealestreet
This is literally a coming of age movie 😭 love a middle grade with this exact vibe!! #mswl
Literary Agent
Ex Beyonce Fan @kingbealestreet
This is literally a coming of age movie 😭 🤣 love these sister vibes!
Literary Agent
I'm finally open to submissions again: My #MSWL is here: Super excited to see what comes in! 🥳🥳
Assistant Editor
i won't have time to look through #LatinxPitch as much as i want to, but throwing it out there that i'm always looking for Latine stories and always love to see them 🫶
Literary Agent
Dipping into #Latinx Pitch today, if I ❤️ your pitch, I’ll comment on how to query. But I will miss things, and I always welcome work from #Latinx creators in my inbox, and I’m open to queries in general. Just check my #mswl to see if we’re a match.
Assistant Editor
I’m so excited for #LatinxPitch 🤩
I will ❤️ #PB and #MG pitches. Here’s a link to my #MSWL with guidelines and contact info:
Literary Agent
Also, cosy romantasy is always a vibe, but let's see some cosy sci-fi: low stakes, high heart, possibly in space! 🚀
Comp me WALL-E! #amwriting
Literary Agent
I'd also love to see #ownvoices Latin-America-inspired mythological fantasy. It could be contemporary, historical, or a fresh retelling.
Anything featuring my favourite animal gets bonus attention.
Literary Agent
Hello, a quick #thread blast on about my current #mswl ,
I'm looking out for some commercial genre-bending speculative fic, aka crime, romance, or thriller with a unique uncanny edge.
Literary Agent