Literary Agent
It’s me on #MSWL! Find out about what I’m currently looking for. manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/821/

Literary Agent
My profile on the #MSWL site is now up, if you want to check it out: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/t-s-…

Literary Agent
Would love to see a literary YA focusing on sibling dynamics. As in THE NEST and THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU. #MSWL #askagent #amquerying

Literary Agency
"Literary fiction that does a bit of genre mashing. Ex. Station Eleven or The Last Policeman. @ericsmithrocks #MSWL bit.ly/1dbOPj8

Literary Agency
"Adult literary fiction, especially anything contemporary with a rom-com twist." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL bit.ly/1dbOPj8

Literary Agency
"Romance, Literary, Commercial, LGBT, New Adult, Young Adult, Middle Grade, Mystery & Thriller." @curtisPSLA #MSWL bit.ly/1aqPTe4

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"Literary Mystery & Thrillers (Night Film, Dark Places). Domestic Suspense." @carlywatters #MSWL bit.ly/1NZbjOQ

Literary Agent
No time for #pitmad today. But please query if you think we'd be a fit: carlywatters.com/wishlist/ #MSWL


Literary Agent
Regular reminder: middle grade, from literary standalone to commercial series, is high on my wish list! petejknapp.com/tagged/wishlist #MSWL

Literary Agent
On my #MSWL -- literary YA, fresh high concept YA, gorgeous MG & anything really funny or spooky or both. petejknapp.com/tagged/wishlist #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'd love to read a manuscript that treats #YA like the serious literary genre I know it can be! #mswl buff.ly/1TZlPfg

Literary Agency